The additional content in the recipe.
var content: Data { get }
The additional content in the recipe.
var content: Data { get }
What are these?3L1VU
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct VoucherAttributeRecipe
A voucher attribute recipe.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
init(atmCommand: Mach.VoucherATMAttributeRecipeCommand, previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher = Mach.Voucher.Nil, content: Data? = nil)
Creates a new voucher attribute recipe for an ATM command.
init(bankCommand: Mach.VoucherBankAttributeRecipeCommand, previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher = Mach.Voucher.Nil, content: Data? = nil)
Creates a new voucher attribute recipe for a bank command.
init(importanceCommand: Mach.VoucherImportanceAttributeRecipeCommand, previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher = Mach.Voucher.Nil, content: Data? = nil)
Creates a new voucher attribute recipe for an importance command.
init(key: Mach.VoucherAttributeKey, command: some Mach.VoucherAttributeRecipeCommand, previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher = Mach.Voucher.Nil, content: Data? = nil)
Creates a new voucher attribute recipe.
init(pthreadPriorityCommand: Mach.VoucherPthreadPriorityAttributeRecipeCommand, previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher = Mach.Voucher.Nil, content: Data? = nil)
Creates a new voucher attribute recipe for a POSIX thread priority command.
init(rawValue: mach_voucher_attr_raw_recipe_t)
Represents an existing voucher attribute recipe.
init(userDataCommand: Mach.VoucherUserDataAttributeRecipeCommand, previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher = Mach.Voucher.Nil, content: Data? = nil)
Creates a new voucher attribute recipe for a user data command.
var command: any Mach.VoucherAttributeRecipeCommand { get }
The command in the recipe.
var contentSize: mach_voucher_attr_content_size_t { get }
The advertised size of the additional content in the recipe.
var key: Mach.VoucherAttributeKey { get }
The key for the recipe.
var previousVoucher: Mach.Voucher { get }
The previous voucher in the recipe.
var rawValue: mach_voucher_attr_raw_recipe_t
The raw recipe pointer.
var size: Int { get }
The total size of the recipe.
var typedValue: mach_voucher_attr_recipe_t { get }
The typed recipe pointer.