Instance Methodnmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
Destroys the timer.
override func destroy() throws
Destroys the timer.
override func destroy() throws
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
class Timer
A timer.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
func destroy() throws
Destroys the port.
func cancel() throws -> UInt64
Cancels the timer and returns the time it was armed to expire at.
static var absoluteTime: UInt64 { get }
The current absolute time (in ticks) for the purposes of using timers.
static func allocate() -> Self
Allocates a new timer port.
func arm(expireTime: UInt64) throws
Arms the timer to expire at a given time.
func arm(expireTime: UInt64, flags: Mach.TimerArmFlags = [], leeway: UInt64 = 0) throws
Arms the timer to expire at a given time.