Information about the task’s power usage (newer version).
var powerInfoV2: task_power_info_v2 { get throws }
Information about the task’s power usage (newer version).
var powerInfoV2: task_power_info_v2 { get throws }
What are these?5JHI
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct TaskInfoManager
A task info manager.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
struct TaskInfoFlavor
A flavor of task info.
var basicInfo32: task_basic_info_32 { get throws }
Basic information about the task.
var basic2Info32: task_basic_info_32 { get throws }
Like basicInfo32
, but with the maximum resident size instead of the current size.
var basicInfo64: task_basic_info_64 { get throws }
Basic information about the task (64-bit compatible, older version).
var eventCounts: task_events_info { get throws }
Counts of specific events on the task.
var threadTimes: task_thread_times_info { get throws }
Total thread run times for the task.
var absoluteTimes: task_absolutetime_info { get throws }
Absolute times for the task.
var kernelMemoryInfo: task_kernelmemory_info { get throws }
Kernel memory information for the task.
var securityToken: security_token_t { get throws }
The task’s security token.
var auditToken: audit_token_t { get throws }
The task’s audit token.
var affinityTagInfo: task_affinity_tag_info { get throws }
The task’s affinity tag information.
var dyldInfo: dyld_all_image_infos { get throws }
Information about dyld
images in the task.
var basicInfo64_2: task_basic_info_64_2 { get throws }
Basic information about the task (64-bit compatible, “newer” version).
var extmodInfo: task_extmod_info { get throws }
Information about external modifications to the task.
var basicInfo: mach_task_basic_info { get throws }
Basic information about the task.
var powerInfo: task_power_info { get throws }
Information about the task’s power usage.
var vmInfo: task_vm_info { get throws }
Information about the task’s virtual memory usage.
var vmPurgeableInfo: task_vm_info { get throws }
Information about the task’s virtual memory usage, including purgeable memory.
var waitTimes: task_wait_state_info { get throws }
Time values for how long threads in the task have been in wait states.
var flags: task_flags_info { get throws }
The task’s flags.
init(task: Mach.Task)
Creates a task info manager.
let port: Mach.Task
The task port.
func get<DataType>(_ flavor: Mach.TaskInfoFlavor, as type: DataType.Type = DataType.self) throws -> DataType where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Gets the task’s info.