Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
The limits for the round robin policy in a processor set.
static let roundRobinLimits: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The limits for the round robin policy in a processor set.
static let roundRobinLimits: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
What are these?6B00U
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
init(rawValue: Int32)
Represents a raw processor set info flavor.
static let basic: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
Basic information about a processor set.
static let enabledPolicies: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The enabled policies for a processor set.
static let fifoDefault: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The default FIFO policy for a processor set.
static let fifoLimits: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The limits for the FIFO policy in a processor set.
static let roundRobinDefault: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The default round robin policy for a processor set.
static let timeshareDefault: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The default timeshare policy for a processor set.
static let timeshareLimits: Mach.ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
The limits for the timeshare policy in a processor set.
let rawValue: Int32
The raw value of the flavor.