Instance Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
The info of the processor.
var info: Mach.ProcessorInfoManager { get }
The info of the processor.
var info: Mach.ProcessorInfoManager { get }
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
class Processor
A processor in a host.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
struct ProcessorInfoManager
A processor info manager.
struct ProcessorInfoFlavor
A flavor of processor info.
init(named name: processor_t, inHost host: Mach.Host)
Represents an processor existing in a host.
var assignment: Mach.ProcessorSet { get throws }
The processor set that the processor is in.
let owningHost: Mach.Host
The host that the processor is in.
func control<DataType>(_ data: DataType) throws where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Controls the processor.
func exit() throws
Stops the processor.
func start() throws
Starts the processor.