Instance Methodnmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
Indicates that the receive right is a De-Nap receiver.
- macOS
- deprecated
func setIsDeNapReceiver() throws
Indicates that the receive right is a De-Nap receiver.
func setIsDeNapReceiver() throws
What are these?1HU3W
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct PortAttributeManager
A port attribute manager.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
struct PortAttributeFlavor
A flavor of port attribute.
var limits: mach_port_limits_t { get throws }
The limits of the port.
func setLimits(to value: mach_port_limits_t) throws
Sets the limits of the port.
var status: mach_port_status_t { get throws }
The status of the port.
var requestTableCount: UInt32 { get throws }
The count of requests in the port’s request table.
func setRequestTableCount(to value: UInt32) throws
Sets the count of requests in the port’s request table.
func setWillChangeOwner() throws
Indicates that the receive right will be given to another task.
func setIsImportanceReceiver() throws
Indicates that the receive right is an importance receiver.
var info: mach_port_info_ext_t { get throws }
Information about the port.
func assertGuard(is guardInfo: mach_port_guard_info_t) throws
Asserts the port’s guard value.
init(port: Mach.Port)
Creates a port attribute manager.
let port: Mach.Port
func assert<DataType>(_ flavor: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor, is value: DataType) throws where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Asserts the value of a port attribute.
func get<DataType>(_ flavor: PortAttributeFlavor, as type: DataType.Type = DataType.self) throws -> DataType where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Gets the value of a port attribute.
func set<DataType>(_ flavor: PortAttributeFlavor, to value: DataType) throws where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Sets the value of a port attribute.