Instance Methodnmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
Gets the value of a port attribute.
func get<DataType>(_ flavor: PortAttributeFlavor, as type: DataType.Type = DataType.self) throws -> DataType where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Gets the value of a port attribute.
func get<DataType>(_ flavor: PortAttributeFlavor, as type: DataType.Type = DataType.self) throws -> DataType where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
What are these?2ONTA
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct PortAttributeManager
A port attribute manager.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
struct PortAttributeFlavor
A flavor of port attribute.
protocol BitwiseCopyable
func set<DataType>(_ flavor: PortAttributeFlavor, to value: DataType) throws where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Sets the value of a port attribute.
func assert<DataType>(_ flavor: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor, is value: DataType) throws where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Asserts the value of a port attribute.
init(port: Mach.Port)
Creates a port attribute manager.
var info: mach_port_info_ext_t { get throws }
Information about the port.
var limits: mach_port_limits_t { get throws }
The limits of the port.
let port: Mach.Port
var requestTableCount: UInt32 { get throws }
The count of requests in the port’s request table.
var status: mach_port_status_t { get throws }
The status of the port.
func assertGuard(is guardInfo: mach_port_guard_info_t) throws
Asserts the port’s guard value.
func setIsDeNapReceiver() throws
Indicates that the receive right is a De-Nap receiver.
func setIsImportanceReceiver() throws
Indicates that the receive right is an importance receiver.
func setLimits(to value: mach_port_limits_t) throws
Sets the limits of the port.
func setRequestTableCount(to value: UInt32) throws
Sets the count of requests in the port’s request table.
func setWillChangeOwner() throws
Indicates that the receive right will be given to another task.