Instance Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
The raw value of the flavor.
let rawValue: mach_port_flavor_t
The raw value of the flavor.
let rawValue: mach_port_flavor_t
What are these?6SDLM
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct PortAttributeFlavor
A flavor of port attribute.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
init(rawValue: mach_port_flavor_t)
Represents a raw port attribute flavor.
static let deNapReceiver: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
Indicates that the receive right is a De-Nap receiver.
static let guardInfo: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
The guard value.
static let importanceReceiver: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
Indicates that the receive right is an importance receiver.
static let info: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
Information about the port.
static let limits: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
The limits of the port.
static let requestTableCount: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
The count of requests in the port’s request table.
static let status: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
The status of the port.
static let tempOwner: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
Indicates that the receive right will be given to another task.
static let throttled: Mach.PortAttributeFlavor
Whether the service is throttled.