Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
Error.swift:14static let typeError: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let typeError: Mach.MIGErrorCode
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct MIGErrorCode
An error code from a MIG server routine.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
init(rawValue: kern_return_t)
Represents a raw error code.
static let arrayTooLarge: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let badArguments: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let badId: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let exception: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let noReply: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let remoteError: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let replyMismatch: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let serverDied: Mach.MIGErrorCode
static let trailerError: Mach.MIGErrorCode
let rawValue: kern_return_t
The raw error code.