Instance Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
The base routine ID for the remote MIG subsystem.
var baseRoutineId: mach_msg_id_t
The base routine ID for the remote MIG subsystem.
var baseRoutineId: mach_msg_id_t
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
class MIGClient
A client for MIG requests.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
required init(named name: mach_port_name_t, baseRoutineId: mach_msg_id_t)
Represents an existing MIG server port.
@discardableResult func doRoutine<ReplyPayload>(_ routineIndex: mach_msg_id_t, request: MIGRequest<some Mach.MIGPayload>, replyPayloadType: ReplyPayload.Type = ReplyPayload.self, replyPort: Mach.Port? = nil) throws -> Mach.MIGReply<ReplyPayload> where ReplyPayload : Mach.MIGPayload
Performs a MIG routine.
@discardableResult func doRoutine(_ routineIndex: mach_msg_id_t, request: MIGRequest<some Mach.MIGPayload>, replyPort: Mach.Port? = nil) throws -> MIGReply<Never>
Performs a MIG routine.