Instance Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
The power usages statistics for expired tasks on the host.
var expiredTasks: task_power_info_v2 { get throws }
The power usages statistics for expired tasks on the host.
var expiredTasks: task_power_info_v2 { get throws }
What are these?6ZC0P
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct HostStatisticsManager
A host statistics manager.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
var load: host_load_info { get throws }
The load statistics of the host.
var vm: vm_statistics { get throws }
The virtual memory statistics of the host.
var cpuLoad: host_cpu_load_info { get throws }
The CPU load statistics of the host.
var vm64: vm_statistics64 { get throws }
The 64-bit virtual memory statistics of the host.
var extMod: vm_extmod_statistics { get throws }
The 64-bit external modification statistics of the host.
init(host: Mach.Host)
Creates a host statistics manager.
let port: Mach.Host
The host port.
func get<DataType>(_ flavor: HostStatisticsFlavor, as type: DataType.Type = DataType.self) throws -> DataType where DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Gets the host’s statistics.