Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
HostSpecialPorts.swift:74static let containerd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let containerd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct HostSpecialPort
A special port for a host.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
static let dynamicPager: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let auditControl: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let launchctl: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let atmNotification: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let xpcException: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let node: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let closured: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let ioCompressionStats: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let managedappdistd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
(Probably) a port to managedappdistributiond
init(rawValue: Int32)
static let amfid: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to amfid
static let automountd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to automountd
static let coalition: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let doubleagentd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let fairplayd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to fairplayd
static let filecoordinationd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to filecoordinationd
static let gssd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let host: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A unprivileged host port.
static let hostPriv: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A privileged host port.
static let ioMain: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A main device port.
static let kextd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to kextd
(now kernelmanagerd
static let ktraceBackground: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let lockd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
static let memoryError: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to mmaintenanced
static let resourceNotify: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to symptomsd
static let seatbelt: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to sandboxd
static let sysdiagnosed: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to sysdiagnosed
static let syspolicyd: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to syspolicyd
static let telemetry: Mach.HostSpecialPort
A port to UserEventAgent
static let unfreed: Mach.HostSpecialPort
Another port to fairplayd
static let userNotification: Mach.HostSpecialPort
let rawValue: Int32
func get<PortType>(for host: Mach.Host = .current, as type: PortType.Type = PortType.self) throws -> PortType where PortType : Mach.Port
Gets a special port for the host.
func set(for host: Mach.Host = .current, to port: Mach.Port) throws
Sets a special port for the host.