Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
ExceptionPort.swift:155static var all: `Self` { get }
static var all: `Self` { get }
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct ExceptionMask
A mask for getting or setting exception ports.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
init(name: String?, rawValue: UInt32)
Represents an exception mask with an optional name.
static let allCases: [`Self`]
All known exception masks.
static let arithmetic: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let badAccess: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let badInstruction: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let breakpoint: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let corpseNotify: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let crash: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let emulation: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let `guard`: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let machSyscall: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let resource: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let rpcAlert: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let software: Mach.ExceptionMask
static let syscall: Mach.ExceptionMask
var masks: [`Self`] { get }
The individual masks that are contained in the mask.
let name: String?
The name of the exception mask, if it can be determined.
let rawValue: UInt32
The raw value of the exception mask.