A message sent when an exception occurs using the default
exception behavior.
class DefaultExceptionMessage
A message sent when an exception occurs using the default
exception behavior.
class DefaultExceptionMessage
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
static let `default`: Mach.ExceptionBehavior
class MIGReply<MIGPayloadType> where MIGPayloadType : Mach.MIGPayload
A MIG reply message.
static func call(_ call: @autoclosure () -> kern_return_t) throws
Calls the kernel and throws an error if the call fails.
static func callWithCountIn<ArrayElement>(array: [ArrayElement], _ call: CountInCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call with an array of a specified type.
static func callWithCountIn<ArrayElement, DataType>(value: DataType, _ call: CountInCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable, DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call with a value expressed as an array of a specified type.
static func callWithCountInOut<ArrayElement>(count: inout mach_msg_type_number_t, _ call: CountInOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> [ArrayElement] where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that expects an array pointer and a desired count and returns the result.
static func callWithCountInOut<ArrayElement, DataType>(type: DataType.Type, _ call: CountInOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> DataType where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable, DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that expects an array pointer and a desired count and returns the result.
static func callWithCountOut<ArrayElement>(element: ArrayElement.Type, _ call: CountOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> [ArrayElement] where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that returns an array of a specified type.
static func callWithCountOut<ArrayElement, DataType>(type: DataType.Type, _ call: CountOutCallBlock<ArrayElement>) throws -> DataType where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable, DataType : BitwiseCopyable
Executes a kernel call that returns an array of a specified type.
protocol FlavoredDataGetter : Mach.PortDataOperator
A data operator that can get flavored data for a port.
protocol FlavoredDataManager : Mach.FlavoredDataGetter, Mach.FlavoredDataSetter
A data operator that can get and set flavored data for a port.
protocol FlavoredDataSetter : Mach.PortDataOperator
A data operator that can set flavored data for a port.
protocol MIGPayload : Mach.MessagePayload
A payload for a MIG message.
protocol MIGPayloadWithNDR : Mach.MIGPayload, Mach.TrivialMessagePayload
A payload for a MIG message containing an NDR record.
protocol MessageDescriptor
A descriptor for a message body.
protocol MessagePayload
A message payload.
protocol MessageWithTypedPayload : Mach.Message
A message with a typed payload.
protocol PortDataOperator
A data operator that operates on flavored data for a port.
protocol PortInitializableByServiceName : Mach.Port
A port that can be initialized by looking up a service name.
protocol PortWithExceptionPorts : Mach.Port
A port representing a kernel object that can have exception ports.
protocol TaskFlavored : Mach.Task
A task (port) with a flavor.
protocol ThreadFlavored : Mach.Thread
A thread (port) with a flavor.
protocol TrivialMessagePayload : BitwiseCopyable, Mach.MessagePayload
A payload with a fixed length and trivial representation.
protocol VoucherAttributeCommand : NamedOptionEnum where Self.RawValue == UInt32
A voucher attribute command.
protocol VoucherAttributeRecipeCommand : NamedOptionEnum where Self.RawValue == UInt32
A voucher attribute recipe command.
class Alarm
An alarm on a clock.
class BootstrapPort
A port for communicating with the bootstrap server.
class Clock
A clock.
struct ClockAttribute
A type of clock attribute.
struct ClockAttributeManager
A clock attribute manager.
class ClockControl
A clock control port.
struct ClockType
A type of clock.
class ConnectionPort
A connection port.
struct ExceptionBehavior
A behavior for an exception.
struct ExceptionMask
A mask for getting or setting exception ports.
class ExceptionPort
An exception port.
struct ExceptionType
A type of exception.
class Host
A host.
struct HostDebugInfoInternal
Debug information about the host.
struct HostInfoFlavor
A flavor of host info.
struct HostInfoManager
A host info manager.
struct HostRebootOption
A reboot option.
struct HostSpecialPort
A special port for a host.
struct HostStatisticsFlavor
A flavor of host statistics.
struct HostStatisticsManager
A host statistics manager.
struct KernelObject
A kernel object underlying a port.
class MIGClient
A client for MIG requests.
class MIGError
An error from a MIG server routine.
struct MIGErrorCode
An error code from a MIG server routine.
final class MIGErrorReply
An error reply to a MIG request.
struct MIGPayloadWithOnlyNDR
A payload for a MIG message containing only an NDR record.
class MIGReplyPort
A reply port for a MIG request.
class MIGRequest<MIGPayloadType> where MIGPayloadType : Mach.MIGPayload
A MIG request message.
struct MemoryInfoCounterType
A type of memory counter.
struct MemoryInfoFlags
Flags for memory info.
struct MemoryInfoTag
A tag for memory info.
struct MemoryInfoType
A type of memory info.
class MemoryManager
A memory manager.
class Message
A message.
struct MessageBody
A body of message descriptors.
class MessageClient
A message client for enqueuing messages.
struct MessageDescriptorType
A descriptor type.
struct MessageHeaderBits
Configuration bits in a message header.
struct MessageOptions
Options for sending and receiving messages.
struct MessagePortGuardFlags
Flags for guarding a port in a message.
class MessageQueue
A message queue.
class MessageServer
A message server for dequeuing messages.
struct OOLDescriptorCopyOption
A copy option for out-of-line descriptors.
struct PeekedMessage
A peeked preview of a message.
class Port
A port name
in the owningTask
’s name space.
struct PortAttributeFlavor
A flavor of port attribute.
struct PortAttributeManager
A port attribute manager.
struct PortConstructFlags
Flags to use when constructing a port.
struct PortDisposition
Processing to perform on a port.
struct PortGuardFlags
Flags to guard a port with.
struct PortRight
A right to a port.
class PortSet
A port set.
class Processor
A processor in a host.
struct ProcessorBasicInfo
Basic information about a processor.
struct ProcessorInfoFlavor
A flavor of processor info.
struct ProcessorInfoManager
A processor info manager.
class ProcessorSet
A set of processors in a host.
class ProcessorSetControl
A control port for a processor set.
struct ProcessorSetInfoFlavor
struct ProcessorSetInfoManager
A processor set info manager.
struct ProcessorSetStatisticsFlavor
A flavor of processor set statistics.
struct ProcessorSetStatisticsManager
A processor set statistics manager.
class Semaphore
A semaphore.
struct SemaphorePolicy
A synchronization policy for a semaphore.
class ServicePort
A service port.
class Task
A task (port).
class TaskControl
A task’s control port.
class TaskCorpse
A corpse for a task.
struct TaskFlavor
A flavor of task (port).
class TaskIdentityToken
A task’s identity token.
struct TaskInfoFlavor
A flavor of task info.
struct TaskInfoManager
A task info manager.
class TaskInspect
A task’s inspect port.
struct TaskInspectInfoManager
A task inspect info manager.
class TaskName
A task’s name port.
struct TaskPolicyFlavor
A flavor of task policy.
struct TaskPolicyManager
A task policy manager.
class TaskRead
A task’s read port.
struct TaskSpecialPort
A special port for a task.
class TaskSuspensionToken
A task suspension token.
class Thread
A thread in a task.
class ThreadControl
A thread’s control port.
struct ThreadFlavor
A flavor of thread (port).
struct ThreadInfoFlavor
A flavor of thread info.
struct ThreadInfoManager
A thread info manager.
class ThreadInspect
A thread’s inspect port.
struct ThreadPolicyFlavor
A flavor of thread policy.
struct ThreadPolicyManager
A thread policy manager.
struct ThreadPolicyState
A thread’s policy state.
struct ThreadQoSPolicy
A thread’s QoS policy.
class ThreadRead
A thread’s read port.
struct ThreadRequestedQoSPolicy
A thread’s requested QoS policy.
struct ThreadSpecialPort
A special port for a thread.
struct ThreadStateConvertDirection
A direction for converting thread states.
struct ThreadStateFlavor
A flavor of thread state.
struct ThreadStateManager
A thread state manager.
struct ThreadSwitchOption
A thread switching option.
struct ThreadTimeConstraintWithPriorityPolicy
A thread’s time constraint policy (with a priority field).
struct TimeType
A type of time value.
class Timer
A timer.
struct TimerArmFlags
Flags for arming a timer.
struct VMAllocationFlags
Flags for allocating memory.
struct VMProtectionOptions
A protection option for virtual memory.
class Voucher
A voucher.
struct VoucherATMAction
A voucher attribute command for the atm
struct VoucherATMAttributeRecipeCommand
An ATM voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherAttributeKey
A voucher attribute key.
struct VoucherAttributeRecipe
A voucher attribute recipe.
struct VoucherBankAction
A voucher attribute command for the bank
struct VoucherBankAttributeRecipeCommand
A bank voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherBaseAttributeRecipeCommand
A base voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherImportanceAction
A voucher attribute command for the importance
struct VoucherImportanceAttributeRecipeCommand
An importance voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherOtherAttributeRecipeCommand
A voucher attribute recipe command that cannot be represented by a known command.
struct VoucherPthreadPriorityAttributeRecipeCommand
A POSIX thread priority voucher attribute recipe command.
struct VoucherUserDataAttributeRecipeCommand
A user data voucher attribute recipe command.
struct Zone
A zone.
typealias CountInCallBlock<ArrayElement> = (UnsafeMutablePointer<ArrayElement>, mach_msg_type_number_t) -> kern_return_t where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
A function that executes a kernel call expecting an array of a specified type, passing an array pointer and count.
typealias CountInOutCallBlock<ArrayElement> = (UnsafeMutablePointer<ArrayElement>, inout mach_msg_type_number_t) -> kern_return_t where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
A function that executes a kernel call that expects an array pointer and a desired count, passing an array pointer and count.
typealias CountOutCallBlock<ArrayElement> = (UnsafeMutablePointer<ArrayElement>?, inout mach_msg_type_number_t) -> kern_return_t where ArrayElement : BitwiseCopyable
A function that executes a kernel call that returns an array of a specified type, passing an array pointer and count.
var code: integer_t { get }
The exception code in the message.
var exceptionType: Mach.ExceptionType { get }
The exception type in the message.
var subcode: integer_t { get }
The exception subcode in the message.
var task: Mach.TaskControl { get }
The task that the exception is for.
var thread: Mach.ThreadControl { get }
The thread that the exception is for.
struct PayloadType
An exception message payload.