Operatornmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
SwiftClock.swift:100static func == (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool
static func == (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
struct Duration
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
class Clock
A clock.
@frozen struct Bool
A value type whose instances are either true
or false
init(_ value: mach_timespec)
static var zero: `Self` { get }
let value: mach_timespec
static func != (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool
static func * (lhs: `Self`, rhs: Int) -> Mach.Clock.Duration
static func + (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Mach.Clock.Duration
static func - (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Mach.Clock.Duration
static func / (lhs: `Self`, rhs: Int) -> Mach.Clock.Duration
static func / (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Double
static func < (lhs: `Self`, rhs: `Self`) -> Bool