Static Methodnmggithub.kass 3.2.4MachCore
Sets an alarm to ring after a given duration.
static func allocate(name: mach_port_name_t? = nil, onClock clock: Mach.Clock, after duration: Mach.Clock.Duration) throws -> Self
Sets an alarm to ring after a given duration.
static func allocate(name: mach_port_name_t? = nil, onClock clock: Mach.Clock, after duration: Mach.Clock.Duration) throws -> Self
What are these?55YBM
import MachCore
The core module for interacting with the Mach kernel.
class Alarm
An alarm on a clock.
struct Mach
The Mach kernel.
class Clock
A clock.
struct Duration
static func allocate(name: mach_port_name_t? = nil, onClock clock: Mach.Clock, at time: Mach.Clock.Instant) throws -> Self
Sets an alarm to ring at a given time.
struct TimeType
A type of time value.
static func allocate(name: mach_port_name_t? = nil, onClock clock: Mach.Clock, time: mach_timespec_t, type: Mach.TimeType) throws -> Self
Sets up an alarm on a given clock.
func reply(returning: MachError.Code, time: mach_timespec_t, type: Mach.TimeType) throws
Sends a reply to the alarm.