Instance Methodnmggithub.kass 3.2.4Linking
Links the library.
func link()
Links the library.
func link()
import Linking
A module for dynamically linking libraries and frameworks.
class Library
A library handle.
init?(path: String)
Creates a new library handle.
func get(objCClass className: String) -> NSObjectProtocol.Type?
Gets an Objective-C class from the library.
func get<T>(objCClass className: String, castTo: T.Type = T.self) -> T?
Gets an Objective-C class from the library.
func get(symbol: String) -> Symbol?
Gets a symbol handle from the library.
func get(symbol: String, atExpectedAddress expectedAddress: vm_address_t, otherSymbol: String, otherSymbolExpectedAddress: vm_address_t) -> Symbol?
Gets a symbol handle from the library at a specific address.