Structurenmggithub.kass 3.2.4BSDCore
Parsed attributes from an attribute buffer.
struct FSParsedAttributes
Parsed attributes from an attribute buffer.
struct FSParsedAttributes
import BSDCore
The core module for interacting with the BSD kernel.
struct BSD
The BSD kernel.
struct FSAttributeBuffer
A buffer of attributes.
static var activeCSRConfig: CSRConfigOptions { get throws }
The active configuration for Configurable Security Restrictions (CSR).
static func csrCheck(_ options: CSRConfigOptions) throws
Checks if the system is configured with the specified CSR options.
static func syscall(_ syscall: @autoclosure () -> Int32) throws
Executes a system call and throw an error if it fails.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibName: String, asArrayOf type: DataType.Type = UInt8.self) throws -> [DataType]
Gets kernel state.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibNameArray: consuming [Int32], asArrayOf type: DataType.Type = UInt8.self) throws -> [DataType]
Gets kernel state.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibName: String, setTo value: consuming [DataType]) throws
Sets kernel state.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibNameArray: consuming [Int32], setTo value: consuming [DataType]) throws
Sets kernel state.
struct CSRConfigOptions
Configuration options for Configurable Security Restrictions (CSR).
struct FSCommonAttributes
Common attribute.
struct FSCommonExtendedAttributes
Extended common attributes.
struct FSDirectoryAttributes
Directory attributes.
struct FSFileAttributes
File attributes.
struct FSFinderDirectoryInfo
Finder Info about a directory.
struct FSFinderFileInfo
Finder Info about a file.
struct FSOptions
Options for file system operations.
struct FSVolumeAttributes
Volume attributes.
let common: [BSD.FSCommonAttributes : Any]
let commonExtended: [BSD.FSCommonExtendedAttributes : Any]
let directory: [BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes : Any]
let file: [BSD.FSFileAttributes : Any]
let volume: [BSD.FSVolumeAttributes : Any]