Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4BSDCore
Attributes.swift:362static let linkCount: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
static let linkCount: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
import BSDCore
The core module for interacting with the BSD kernel.
struct FSDirectoryAttributes
Directory attributes.
struct BSD
The BSD kernel.
init(name: String?, rawValue: UInt32)
Represents directory attributes with an optional name.
static let allCases: [`Self`]
All known directory attributes.
static let entryCount: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
static let ioBlockSize: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
static let logicalSize: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
static let mountStatus: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
static let physicalSize: BSD.FSDirectoryAttributes
var attributes: [`Self`] { get }
The individual directory attributes in the collection.
let name: String?
The name of the directory attributes, if it can be determined.
let rawValue: UInt32
The raw value of the directory attributes.
func parse(from pointer: inout UnsafeRawPointer) -> Any