Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4BSDCore
CSR.swift:93static let allowUnauthenticatedRoot: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowUnauthenticatedRoot: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
What are these?1LLCV
import BSDCore
The core module for interacting with the BSD kernel.
struct CSRConfigOptions
Configuration options for Configurable Security Restrictions (CSR).
struct BSD
The BSD kernel.
init(name: String?, rawValue: csr_config_t)
Represents a CSR configuration with an optional name.
static let allCases: [`Self`]
All known options.
static let allowAnyRecoveryOS: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowAppleInternal: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowDeviceConfiguration: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowExecutablePolicyOverride: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowKernelDebugger: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowTaskForPid: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowUnapprovedKexts: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowUnrestrictedDTrace: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowUnrestrictedFS: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowUnrestrictedNVRAM: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
static let allowUntrustedKexts: BSD.CSRConfigOptions
let name: String?
The name of the CSR configuration, if it can be determined.
var options: [`Self`] { get }
The individual options in the configuration.
let rawValue: csr_config_t
The raw value of the CSR configuration.