Static Propertynmggithub.kass 3.2.4BSDCore
The active configuration for Configurable Security Restrictions (CSR).
static var activeCSRConfig: CSRConfigOptions { get throws }
The active configuration for Configurable Security Restrictions (CSR).
static var activeCSRConfig: CSRConfigOptions { get throws }
import BSDCore
The core module for interacting with the BSD kernel.
struct BSD
The BSD kernel.
struct CSRConfigOptions
Configuration options for Configurable Security Restrictions (CSR).
static func csrCheck(_ options: CSRConfigOptions) throws
Checks if the system is configured with the specified CSR options.
static func syscall(_ syscall: @autoclosure () -> Int32) throws
Executes a system call and throw an error if it fails.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibName: String, asArrayOf type: DataType.Type = UInt8.self) throws -> [DataType]
Gets kernel state.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibNameArray: consuming [Int32], asArrayOf type: DataType.Type = UInt8.self) throws -> [DataType]
Gets kernel state.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibName: String, setTo value: consuming [DataType]) throws
Sets kernel state.
static func sysctl<DataType>(_ mibNameArray: consuming [Int32], setTo value: consuming [DataType]) throws
Sets kernel state.
struct FSAttributeBuffer
A buffer of attributes.
struct FSCommonAttributes
Common attribute.
struct FSCommonExtendedAttributes
Extended common attributes.
struct FSDirectoryAttributes
Directory attributes.
struct FSFileAttributes
File attributes.
struct FSFinderDirectoryInfo
Finder Info about a directory.
struct FSFinderFileInfo
Finder Info about a file.
struct FSOptions
Options for file system operations.
struct FSParsedAttributes
Parsed attributes from an attribute buffer.
struct FSVolumeAttributes
Volume attributes.