Instance Propertymongokitten 7.9.5MongoKitten
AggregateStage.swift:324var minimalVersionRequired: WireVersion? { get }
var minimalVersionRequired: WireVersion? { get }
What are these?
FNV24: [72OIG]
import MongoKitten
struct Unwind
The $unwind aggregation will deconpublic struct a field, that contains an array. It will return as many documents as are included in the array and every output includes the original document with each item of the array
struct WireVersion
A representation of a used - or usable - version of MongoDB’s wire protocol. Contains computed properties that can protocol level support for features.
init(fieldPath: FieldPath, includeArrayIndex: String? = nil, preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: Bool? = nil)
var stage: Document { get }