Instance Methodmongokitten 7.9.5MongoKitten
Executes the command, returning the reply.
Collection+FindAndModify.swift:209func execute() async throws -> FindAndModifyReply
Other members in extension
Instance members
var command: FindAndModifyCommand
The underlying command to be executed.
func collation(Collation
) -> FindAndModifyBuilder Applies a collation to the command, specifying language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
func decode<D>(D.Type
) async throws -> D? func project(Projection
) -> FindAndModifyBuilder Applies a projection to the command, limiting the fields returned or modifying the returned documents in some way.
func project(Document
) -> FindAndModifyBuilder Applies a projection to the command, limiting the fields returned or modifying the returned documents in some way.
func sort(Sorting
) -> FindAndModifyBuilder Modifies the command to sort the documents
func sort(Document
) -> FindAndModifyBuilder Modifies the command to sort the documents
func writeConcern(WriteConcern
) -> FindAndModifyBuilder