Instance Propertymongokitten 7.9.5MongoCore
The projection document, if any
OpQuery.swift:55var projection: Document?
Other members in extension
Type members
init(header: MongoMessageHeader, flags: OpQueryFlags, fullCollectionName: String, numberToSkip: Int32, numberToReturn: Int32, query: Document, projection: Document?
) Creates a new OP_QUERY message
init(query: Document, requestId: Int32, fullCollectionName: String, flags: OpQueryFlags
) Creates a new OP_QUERY message
init(reading: inout ByteBuffer, header: MongoMessageHeader
) throws Reads an OP_QUERY message from a byte buffer
Instance members
var flags: OpQueryFlags
The flags for this message, see
var fullCollectionName: String
The full collection name, including the database name and the collection name separated by a dot
var header: MongoMessageHeader
The header for this message, see
var numberToReturn: Int32
The number of documents to return
var numberToSkip: Int32
The number of documents to skip before returning results
var query: Document
The query document
func write(to: inout ByteBuffer
) Writes this message to a byte buffer