Enumeration Casemongokitten 7.9.5Meow
One or more errors occurred while mass-deleting objects. The errors
array contains the specific object identifier and error pairs.
case deletingMultiple(errors: [(ObjectId, Swift.Error)])
Other cases
case missingOrInvalidValue(key: String, expected: Any.Type, got: Any?)
The value for the given key is missing, or invalid
case invalidValue(key: String, reason: String)
The value is invalid
case referenceError(id: Any, type: M.Type)
A reference to
with idid
cannot be resolvedcase undeletableObject(reason: String)
An object cannot be deleted, because of
case cannotUpdate(M.Identifier)
case fileTooLarge(size: Int, maximum: Int)
A file cannot be stored because it exceeds the maximum size
case cannotValidate(reason: String)
Meow was not able to validate the database, because
case brokenFileReference(ObjectId)
The file cannot be found in GridFS