Operatormongokitten 7.9.5Meow
Operators.swift:59func == <M>(lhs: QuerySubject<M, M.Identifier?>, rhs: Reference<M>) -> Document where M : KeyPathQueryableModel, M.Identifier : Primitive
func == <M>(lhs: QuerySubject<M, M.Identifier?>, rhs: Reference<M>) -> Document where M : KeyPathQueryableModel, M.Identifier : Primitive
What are these?
FNV24: [6BJZK]
import Meow
@dynamicMemberLookup struct QuerySubject<M, T> where M : KeyPathQueryable, T : Decodable, T : Encodable
A type, similar to a Swift KeyPath
, that refers to a value within the entity M
, inside the database.
associatedtype Identifier : PrimitiveEncodable, Decodable, Encodable, Hashable
struct Reference<M> where M : ReadableModel
Reference to a Model by wrapping it’s _id
. Supports wrapping models with any MeowIdentifier
, including custom Codable
struct Document
protocol KeyPathQueryableModel : KeyPathQueryable, ReadableModel
protocol Primitive : PrimitiveEncodable, Decodable, Encodable, Sendable