XRBodyTracker.swift:46enum Joint
enum Joint
import SwiftGodot
Framework to write Godot Game Extensions using the Swift Programming Language.
class XRBodyTracker
A tracked body in XR.
case root
Root joint.
case hips
Hips joint.
case spine
Spine joint.
case chest
Chest joint.
case upperChest
Upper chest joint.
case neck
Neck joint.
case head
Head joint.
case headTip
Head tip joint.
case leftShoulder
Left shoulder joint.
case leftUpperArm
Left upper arm joint.
case leftLowerArm
Left lower arm joint.
case rightShoulder
Right shoulder joint.
case rightUpperArm
Right upper arm joint.
case rightLowerArm
Right lower arm joint.
case leftUpperLeg
Left upper leg joint.
case leftLowerLeg
Left lower leg joint.
case leftFoot
Left foot joint.
case leftToes
Left toes joint.
case rightUpperLeg
Right upper leg joint.
case rightLowerLeg
Right lower leg joint.
case rightFoot
Right foot joint.
case rightToes
Right toes joint.
case leftHand
Left hand joint.
case leftPalm
Left palm joint.
case leftWrist
Left wrist joint.
case leftThumbMetacarpal
Left thumb metacarpal joint.
case leftThumbPhalanxProximal
Left thumb phalanx proximal joint.
case leftThumbPhalanxDistal
Left thumb phalanx distal joint.
case leftThumbTip
Left thumb tip joint.
case leftIndexFingerMetacarpal
Left index finger metacarpal joint.
case leftIndexFingerPhalanxProximal
Left index finger phalanx proximal joint.
case leftIndexFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Left index finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case leftIndexFingerPhalanxDistal
Left index finger phalanx distal joint.
case leftIndexFingerTip
Left index finger tip joint.
case leftMiddleFingerMetacarpal
Left middle finger metacarpal joint.
case leftMiddleFingerPhalanxProximal
Left middle finger phalanx proximal joint.
case leftMiddleFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Left middle finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case leftMiddleFingerPhalanxDistal
Left middle finger phalanx distal joint.
case leftMiddleFingerTip
Left middle finger tip joint.
case leftRingFingerMetacarpal
Left ring finger metacarpal joint.
case leftRingFingerPhalanxProximal
Left ring finger phalanx proximal joint.
case leftRingFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Left ring finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case leftRingFingerPhalanxDistal
Left ring finger phalanx distal joint.
case leftRingFingerTip
Left ring finger tip joint.
case leftPinkyFingerMetacarpal
Left pinky finger metacarpal joint.
case leftPinkyFingerPhalanxProximal
Left pinky finger phalanx proximal joint.
case leftPinkyFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Left pinky finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case leftPinkyFingerPhalanxDistal
Left pinky finger phalanx distal joint.
case leftPinkyFingerTip
Left pinky finger tip joint.
case rightHand
Right hand joint.
case rightPalm
Right palm joint.
case rightWrist
Right wrist joint.
case rightThumbMetacarpal
Right thumb metacarpal joint.
case rightThumbPhalanxProximal
Right thumb phalanx proximal joint.
case rightThumbPhalanxDistal
Right thumb phalanx distal joint.
case rightThumbTip
Right thumb tip joint.
case rightIndexFingerMetacarpal
Right index finger metacarpal joint.
case rightIndexFingerPhalanxProximal
Right index finger phalanx proximal joint.
case rightIndexFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Right index finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case rightIndexFingerPhalanxDistal
Right index finger phalanx distal joint.
case rightIndexFingerTip
Right index finger tip joint.
case rightMiddleFingerMetacarpal
Right middle finger metacarpal joint.
case rightMiddleFingerPhalanxProximal
Right middle finger phalanx proximal joint.
case rightMiddleFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Right middle finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case rightMiddleFingerPhalanxDistal
Right middle finger phalanx distal joint.
case rightMiddleFingerTip
Right middle finger tip joint.
case rightRingFingerMetacarpal
Right ring finger metacarpal joint.
case rightRingFingerPhalanxProximal
Right ring finger phalanx proximal joint.
case rightRingFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Right ring finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case rightRingFingerPhalanxDistal
Right ring finger phalanx distal joint.
case rightRingFingerTip
Right ring finger tip joint.
case rightPinkyFingerMetacarpal
Right pinky finger metacarpal joint.
case rightPinkyFingerPhalanxProximal
Right pinky finger phalanx proximal joint.
case rightPinkyFingerPhalanxIntermediate
Right pinky finger phalanx intermediate joint.
case rightPinkyFingerPhalanxDistal
Right pinky finger phalanx distal joint.
case rightPinkyFingerTip
Right pinky finger tip joint.
case max
Represents the size of the Joint
override class var godotClassName: StringName { get }
final var bodyFlags: XRBodyTracker.BodyFlags { get set }
The type of body tracking data captured.
final var hasTrackingData: Bool { get set }
If true
, the body tracking data is valid.
final func getJointFlags(joint: XRBodyTracker.Joint) -> XRBodyTracker.JointFlags
Returns flags about the validity of the tracking data for the given body joint (see XRBodyTracker.JointFlags
final func getJointTransform(joint: XRBodyTracker.Joint) -> Transform3D
Returns the transform for the given body joint.
final func setJointFlags(joint: XRBodyTracker.Joint, flags: XRBodyTracker.JointFlags)
Sets flags about the validity of the tracking data for the given body joint.
final func setJointTransform(joint: XRBodyTracker.Joint, transform: Transform3D)
Sets the transform for the given body joint.
struct BodyFlags
struct JointFlags
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
init?(rawValue: Int64)
var debugDescription: String { get }
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
var hashValue: Int { get }
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)