
    enum TransitionType


    • case linear

      The animation is interpolated linearly.

    • case sine

      The animation is interpolated using a sine function.

    • case quint

      The animation is interpolated with a quintic (to the power of 5) function.

    • case quart

      The animation is interpolated with a quartic (to the power of 4) function.

    • case quad

      The animation is interpolated with a quadratic (to the power of 2) function.

    • case expo

      The animation is interpolated with an exponential (to the power of x) function.

    • case elastic

      The animation is interpolated with elasticity, wiggling around the edges.

    • case cubic

      The animation is interpolated with a cubic (to the power of 3) function.

    • case circ

      The animation is interpolated with a function using square roots.

    • case bounce

      The animation is interpolated by bouncing at the end.

    • case back

      The animation is interpolated backing out at ends.

    • case spring

      The animation is interpolated like a spring towards the end.

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