
    Lightweight object used for general-purpose animation via script, using Tweeners.

    class Tween

    Tweens are mostly useful for animations requiring a numerical property to be interpolated over a range of values. The name tween comes from in-betweening, an animation technique where you specify keyframes and the computer interpolates the frames that appear between them. Animating something with a Tween is called tweening.

    Tween is more suited than AnimationPlayer for animations where you don’t know the final values in advance. For example, interpolating a dynamically-chosen camera zoom value is best done with a Tween; it would be difficult to do the same thing with an AnimationPlayer node. Tweens are also more light-weight than AnimationPlayer, so they are very much suited for simple animations or general tasks that don’t require visual tweaking provided by the editor. They can be used in a fire-and-forget manner for some logic that normally would be done by code. You can e.g. make something shoot periodically by using a looped CallbackTweener with a delay.

    A Tween can be created by using either createTween or createTween. Tweens created manually (i.e. by using are invalid and can’t be used for tweening values.

    A tween animation is created by adding Tweeners to the Tween object, using tweenProperty(object:property:finalVal:duration:), tweenInterval(time:), tweenCallback(_:) or tweenMethod(_:from:to:duration:):

    This sequence will make the $Sprite node turn red, then shrink, before finally calling queueFree to free the sprite. Tweeners are executed one after another by default. This behavior can be changed using parallel and setParallel(_:).

    When a Tweener is created with one of the tween_* methods, a chained method call can be used to tweak the properties of this Tweener. For example, if you want to set a different transition type in the above example, you can use setTrans(_:):

    Most of the Tween methods can be chained this way too. In the following example the Tween is bound to the running script’s node and a default transition is set for its Tweeners:

    Another interesting use for Tweens is animating arbitrary sets of objects:

    In the example above, all children of a node are moved one after another to position (0, 0).

    You should avoid using more than one Tween per object’s property. If two or more tweens animate one property at the same time, the last one created will take priority and assign the final value. If you want to interrupt and restart an animation, consider assigning the Tween to a variable:

    Some Tweeners use transitions and eases. The first accepts a TransitionType constant, and refers to the way the timing of the animation is handled (see for some examples). The second accepts an EaseType constant, and controls where the trans_type is applied to the interpolation (in the beginning, the end, or both). If you don’t know which transition and easing to pick, you can try different TransitionType constants with .easeInOut, and use the one that looks best.

    Tween easing and transition types cheatsheet

    This object emits the following signals:


    Citizens in SwiftGodot


    • protocol CustomStringConvertible

      A type with a customized textual representation.

    • protocol Equatable

      A type that can be compared for value equality.

    • protocol Hashable

      A type that can be hashed into a Hasher to produce an integer hash value.

    • protocol Identifiable<ID>

      A class of types whose instances hold the value of an entity with stable identity.

    • protocol VariantRepresentable

      Types that conform to VariantRepresentable can be stored directly in Variant with no conversion. These include all of the Variant types from Godot (for example GString, Rect, Plane), Godot objects (those that subclass SwiftGodot.Object) as well as the built-in Swift types UInt8, Int64 and Double.

    • protocol VariantStorable

      Types that conform to VariantStorable can be stored in a Variant and can be extracted back out of a Variant.


    Type members

    Instance members