Enumerationmigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
TileSetAtlasSource.swift:22enum TileAnimationMode
case `default`
Tile animations start at same time, looking identical.
case randomStartTimes
Tile animations start at random times, looking varied.
case max
Represents the size of the
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Type members
static let transformFlipH: Int
Represents cell’s horizontal flip flag. Should be used directly with
to flip placed tiles by altering their alternative IDs.static let transformFlipV: Int
Represents cell’s vertical flip flag. See
for usage.static let transformTranspose: Int
Represents cell’s transposed flag. See
for usage.class var godotClassName: StringName
Instance members
var margins: Vector2i
Margins, in pixels, to offset the origin of the grid in the texture.
var separation: Vector2i
Separation, in pixels, between each tile texture region of the grid.
var texture: Texture2D?
The atlas texture.
var textureRegionSize: Vector2i
The base tile size in the texture (in pixel). This size must be bigger than the TileSet’s
value.var useTexturePadding: Bool
, generates an internal texture with an additional one pixel padding around each tile. Texture padding avoids a common artifact where lines appear between tiles.func clearTilesOutsideTexture(
) Removes all tiles that don’t fit the available texture area. This method iterates over all the source’s tiles, so it’s advised to use
beforehand.func createAlternativeTile(atlasCoords: Vector2i, alternativeIdOverride: Int32
) -> Int32 Creates an alternative tile for the tile at coordinates
. IfalternativeIdOverride
is -1, give it an automatically generated unique ID, or assigns it the given ID otherwise.func createTile(atlasCoords: Vector2i, size: Vector2i
) Creates a new tile at coordinates
with the givensize
.func getAtlasGridSize(
) -> Vector2i Returns the atlas grid size, which depends on how many tiles can fit in the texture. It thus depends on the
‘s size, the atlasmargins
, and the tiles’textureRegionSize
.func getNextAlternativeTileId(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Int32 Returns the alternative ID a following call to
would return.func getRuntimeTexture(
) -> Texture2D? If
, returnstexture
. Otherwise, returns and internalImageTexture
created that includes the padding.func getRuntimeTileTextureRegion(atlasCoords: Vector2i, frame: Int32
) -> Rect2i Returns the region of the tile at coordinates
for the givenframe
inside the texture returned bygetRuntimeTexture
.func getTileAnimationColumns(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Int32 Returns how many columns the tile at
has in its animation layout.func getTileAnimationFrameDuration(atlasCoords: Vector2i, frameIndex: Int32
) -> Double Returns the animation frame duration of frame
for the tile at coordinatesatlasCoords
.func getTileAnimationFramesCount(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Int32 Returns how many animation frames has the tile at coordinates
.func getTileAnimationMode(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> TileSetAtlasSource.TileAnimationMode Returns the
of the tile atatlasCoords
. See alsosetTileAnimationMode(atlasCoords:mode:)
.func getTileAnimationSeparation(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Vector2i Returns the separation (as in the atlas grid) between each frame of an animated tile at coordinates
.func getTileAnimationSpeed(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Double Returns the animation speed of the tile at coordinates
.func getTileAnimationTotalDuration(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Double Returns the sum of the sum of the frame durations of the tile at coordinates
. This value needs to be divided by the animation speed to get the actual animation loop duration.func getTileAtCoords(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Vector2i If there is a tile covering the
coordinates, returns the top-left coordinates of the tile (thus its coordinate ID). ReturnsVector2i(-1, -1)
otherwise.func getTileData(atlasCoords: Vector2i, alternativeTile: Int32
) -> TileData? Returns the
object for the given atlas coordinates and alternative ID.func getTileSizeInAtlas(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) -> Vector2i Returns the size of the tile (in the grid coordinates system) at coordinates
.func getTileTextureRegion(atlasCoords: Vector2i, frame: Int32
) -> Rect2i Returns a tile’s texture region in the atlas texture. For animated tiles, a
argument might be provided for the different frames of the animation.func getTilesToBeRemovedOnChange(texture: Texture2D?, margins: Vector2i, separation: Vector2i, textureRegionSize: Vector2i
) -> PackedVector2Array Returns an array of tiles coordinates ID that will be automatically removed when modifying one or several of those properties:
. This can be used to undo changes that would have caused tiles data loss.func hasRoomForTile(atlasCoords: Vector2i, size: Vector2i, animationColumns: Int32, animationSeparation: Vector2i, framesCount: Int32, ignoredTile: Vector2i
) -> Bool Returns whether there is enough room in an atlas to create/modify a tile with the given properties. If
is provided, act as is the given tile was not present in the atlas. This may be used when you want to modify a tile’s properties.func hasTilesOutsideTexture(
) -> Bool Checks if the source has any tiles that don’t fit the texture area (either partially or completely).
func moveTileInAtlas(atlasCoords: Vector2i, newAtlasCoords: Vector2i, newSize: Vector2i
) Move the tile and its alternatives at the
coordinates to thenewAtlasCoords
coordinates with thenewSize
size. This functions will fail if a tile is already present in the given area.func removeAlternativeTile(atlasCoords: Vector2i, alternativeTile: Int32
) Remove a tile’s alternative with alternative ID
.func removeTile(atlasCoords: Vector2i
) Remove a tile and its alternative at coordinates
.func setAlternativeTileId(atlasCoords: Vector2i, alternativeTile: Int32, newId: Int32
) Change a tile’s alternative ID from
.func setTileAnimationColumns(atlasCoords: Vector2i, frameColumns: Int32
) Sets the number of columns in the animation layout of the tile at coordinates
. If set to 0, then the different frames of the animation are laid out as a single horizontal line in the atlas.func setTileAnimationFrameDuration(atlasCoords: Vector2i, frameIndex: Int32, duration: Double
) Sets the animation frame
of frameframeIndex
for the tile at coordinatesatlasCoords
.func setTileAnimationFramesCount(atlasCoords: Vector2i, framesCount: Int32
) Sets how many animation frames the tile at coordinates
has.func setTileAnimationMode(atlasCoords: Vector2i, mode: TileSetAtlasSource.TileAnimationMode
) Sets the
of the tile atatlasCoords
. See alsogetTileAnimationMode(atlasCoords:)
.func setTileAnimationSeparation(atlasCoords: Vector2i, separation: Vector2i
) Sets the margin (in grid tiles) between each tile in the animation layout of the tile at coordinates
has.func setTileAnimationSpeed(atlasCoords: Vector2i, speed: Double
) Sets the animation speed of the tile at coordinates
Citizens in SwiftGodot
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
Type members
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.