    enum CCDMode


    • case disabled

      Continuous collision detection disabled. This is the fastest way to detect body collisions, but can miss small, fast-moving objects.

    • case castRay

      Continuous collision detection enabled using raycasting. This is faster than shapecasting but less precise.

    • case castShape

      Continuous collision detection enabled using shapecasting. This is the slowest CCD method and the most precise.

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    • func _integrateForces(state: PhysicsDirectBodyState2D?)

      Allows you to read and safely modify the simulation state for the object. Use this instead of _physicsProcess(delta:) if you need to directly change the body’s position or other physics properties. By default, it works in addition to the usual physics behavior, but customIntegrator allows you to disable the default behavior and write custom force integration for a body.

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