
    enum ViewportDebugDraw


    • case disabled

      Debug draw is disabled. Default setting.

    • case unshaded

      Objects are displayed without light information.

    • case lighting

      Objects are displayed with only light information.

    • case overdraw

      Objects are displayed semi-transparent with additive blending so you can see where they are drawing over top of one another. A higher overdraw (represented by brighter colors) means you are wasting performance on drawing pixels that are being hidden behind others.

    • case wireframe

      Debug draw draws objects in wireframe.

    • case normalBuffer

      Normal buffer is drawn instead of regular scene so you can see the per-pixel normals that will be used by post-processing effects.

    • case voxelGiAlbedo

      Objects are displayed with only the albedo value from VoxelGIs.

    • case voxelGiLighting

      Objects are displayed with only the lighting value from VoxelGIs.

    • case voxelGiEmission

      Objects are displayed with only the emission color from VoxelGIs.

    • case shadowAtlas

      Draws the shadow atlas that stores shadows from OmniLight3Ds and SpotLight3Ds in the upper left quadrant of the Viewport.

    • case directionalShadowAtlas

      Draws the shadow atlas that stores shadows from DirectionalLight3Ds in the upper left quadrant of the Viewport.

    • case sceneLuminance

      Draws the estimated scene luminance. This is a 1×1 texture that is generated when autoexposure is enabled to control the scene’s exposure.

    • case ssao

      Draws the screen space ambient occlusion texture instead of the scene so that you can clearly see how it is affecting objects. In order for this display mode to work, you must have ssaoEnabled set in your WorldEnvironment.

    • case ssil

      Draws the screen space indirect lighting texture instead of the scene so that you can clearly see how it is affecting objects. In order for this display mode to work, you must have ssilEnabled set in your WorldEnvironment.

    • case pssmSplits

      Colors each PSSM split for the DirectionalLight3Ds in the scene a different color so you can see where the splits are. In order they will be colored red, green, blue, yellow.

    • case decalAtlas

      Draws the decal atlas that stores decal textures from Decals.

    • case sdfgi

      Draws SDFGI cascade data. This is the data structure that is used to bounce lighting against and create reflections.

    • case sdfgiProbes

      Draws SDFGI probe data. This is the data structure that is used to give indirect lighting dynamic objects moving within the scene.

    • case giBuffer

      Draws the global illumination buffer (VoxelGI or SDFGI).

    • case disableLod

      Disable mesh LOD. All meshes are drawn with full detail, which can be used to compare performance.

    • case clusterOmniLights

      Draws the OmniLight3D cluster. Clustering determines where lights are positioned in screen-space, which allows the engine to only process these portions of the screen for lighting.

    • case clusterSpotLights

      Draws the SpotLight3D cluster. Clustering determines where lights are positioned in screen-space, which allows the engine to only process these portions of the screen for lighting.

    • case clusterDecals

      Draws the Decal cluster. Clustering determines where decals are positioned in screen-space, which allows the engine to only process these portions of the screen for decals.

    • case clusterReflectionProbes

      Draws the ReflectionProbe cluster. Clustering determines where reflection probes are positioned in screen-space, which allows the engine to only process these portions of the screen for reflection probes.

    • case occluders

      Draws the occlusion culling buffer. This low-resolution occlusion culling buffer is rasterized on the CPU and is used to check whether instances are occluded by other objects.

    • case motionVectors

      Draws the motion vectors buffer. This is used by temporal antialiasing to correct for motion that occurs during gameplay.

    • case internalBuffer

      Internal buffer is drawn instead of regular scene so you can see the per-pixel output that will be used by post-processing effects.

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