
    enum RenderingInfo


    • case totalObjectsInFrame

      Number of objects rendered in the current 3D scene. This varies depending on camera position and rotation.

    • case totalPrimitivesInFrame

      Number of points, lines, or triangles rendered in the current 3D scene. This varies depending on camera position and rotation.

    • case totalDrawCallsInFrame

      Number of draw calls performed to render in the current 3D scene. This varies depending on camera position and rotation.

    • case textureMemUsed

      Texture memory used (in bytes).

    • case bufferMemUsed

      Buffer memory used (in bytes). This includes vertex data, uniform buffers, and many miscellaneous buffer types used internally.

    • case videoMemUsed

      Video memory used (in bytes). When using the Forward+ or mobile rendering backends, this is always greater than the sum of .textureMemUsed and .bufferMemUsed, since there is miscellaneous data not accounted for by those two metrics. When using the GL Compatibility backend, this is equal to the sum of .textureMemUsed and .bufferMemUsed.

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