
    VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 10×6 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    case astc10x6UnormBlock

    Other cases

    • case r4g4UnormPack8

      4-bit-per-channel red/green channel data format, packed into 8 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r4g4b4a4UnormPack16

      4-bit-per-channel red/green/blue/alpha channel data format, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b4g4r4a4UnormPack16

      4-bit-per-channel blue/green/red/alpha channel data format, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r5g6b5UnormPack16

      Red/green/blue channel data format with 5 bits of red, 6 bits of green and 5 bits of blue, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b5g6r5UnormPack16

      Blue/green/red channel data format with 5 bits of blue, 6 bits of green and 5 bits of red, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r5g5b5a1UnormPack16

      Red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with 5 bits of red, 6 bits of green, 5 bits of blue and 1 bit of alpha, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b5g5r5a1UnormPack16

      Blue/green/red/alpha channel data format with 5 bits of blue, 6 bits of green, 5 bits of red and 1 bit of alpha, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a1r5g5b5UnormPack16

      Alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with 1 bit of alpha, 5 bits of red, 6 bits of green and 5 bits of blue, packed into 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8Snorm

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8Uscaled

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case r8Sscaled

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case r8Uint

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red channel data format. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case r8Sint

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer red channel data format. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case r8Srgb

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8Snorm

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8Uscaled

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case r8g8Sscaled

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case r8g8Uint

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case r8g8Sint

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case r8g8Srgb

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8Snorm

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8Uscaled

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8Sscaled

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8Uint

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case r8g8b8Sint

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case r8g8b8Srgb

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/blue channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8Snorm

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8Uscaled

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8Sscaled

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point blue/green/red channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8Uint

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer blue/green/red channel data format. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case b8g8r8Sint

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer blue/green/red channel data format. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case b8g8r8Srgb

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Snorm

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Uscaled

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Sscaled

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Uint

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Sint

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case r8g8b8a8Srgb

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Snorm

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point blue/green/red/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Uscaled

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red/alpha channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Sscaled

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point blue/green/red/alpha channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Uint

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer blue/green/red/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Sint

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer blue/green/red/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case b8g8r8a8Srgb

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8UnormPack32

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8SnormPack32

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8UscaledPack32

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float), packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 255.0] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8SscaledPack32

      8-bit-per-channel signed floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float), packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [-127.0, 127.0] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8UintPack32

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned integer alpha/red/green/blue channel data format, packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8SintPack32

      8-bit-per-channel signed integer alpha/red/green/blue channel data format, packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [-127, 127] range.

    • case a8b8g8r8SrgbPack32

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 32 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a2r10g10b10UnormPack32

      Unsigned floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of red, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of blue. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a2r10g10b10SnormPack32

      Signed floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of red, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of blue. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a2r10g10b10UscaledPack32

      Unsigned floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of red, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of blue. Values are in the [0.0, 1023.0] range for red/green/blue and [0.0, 3.0] for alpha.

    • case a2r10g10b10SscaledPack32

      Signed floating-point alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of red, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of blue. Values are in the [-511.0, 511.0] range for red/green/blue and [-1.0, 1.0] for alpha.

    • case a2r10g10b10UintPack32

      Unsigned integer alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of red, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of blue. Values are in the [0, 1023] range for red/green/blue and [0, 3] for alpha.

    • case a2r10g10b10SintPack32

      Signed integer alpha/red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of red, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of blue. Values are in the [-511, 511] range for red/green/blue and [-1, 1] for alpha.

    • case a2b10g10r10UnormPack32

      Unsigned floating-point alpha/blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of blue, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of red. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a2b10g10r10SnormPack32

      Signed floating-point alpha/blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of blue, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of red. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case a2b10g10r10UscaledPack32

      Unsigned floating-point alpha/blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of blue, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of red. Values are in the [0.0, 1023.0] range for blue/green/red and [0.0, 3.0] for alpha.

    • case a2b10g10r10SscaledPack32

      Signed floating-point alpha/blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of blue, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of red. Values are in the [-511.0, 511.0] range for blue/green/red and [-1.0, 1.0] for alpha.

    • case a2b10g10r10UintPack32

      Unsigned integer alpha/blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of blue, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of red. Values are in the [0, 1023] range for blue/green/red and [0, 3] for alpha.

    • case a2b10g10r10SintPack32

      Signed integer alpha/blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value, packed in 32 bits. Format contains 2 bits of alpha, 10 bits of blue, 10 bits of green and 10 bits of red. Values are in the [-511, 511] range for blue/green/red and [-1, 1] for alpha.

    • case r16Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16Snorm

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16Uscaled

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 65535.0] range.

    • case r16Sscaled

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-32767.0, 32767.0] range.

    • case r16Uint

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red channel data format. Values are in the [0.0, 65535] range.

    • case r16Sint

      16-bit-per-channel signed integer red channel data format. Values are in the [-32767, 32767] range.

    • case r16Sfloat

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r16g16Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16g16Snorm

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16g16Uscaled

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 65535.0] range.

    • case r16g16Sscaled

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-32767.0, 32767.0] range.

    • case r16g16Uint

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [0.0, 65535] range.

    • case r16g16Sint

      16-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [-32767, 32767] range.

    • case r16g16Sfloat

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r16g16b16Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16Snorm

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16Uscaled

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 65535.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16Sscaled

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-32767.0, 32767.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16Uint

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [0.0, 65535] range.

    • case r16g16b16Sint

      16-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [-32767, 32767] range.

    • case r16g16b16Sfloat

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r16g16b16a16Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16a16Snorm

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16a16Uscaled

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [0.0, 65535.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16a16Sscaled

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with scaled value (value is converted from integer to float). Values are in the [-32767.0, 32767.0] range.

    • case r16g16b16a16Uint

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [0.0, 65535] range.

    • case r16g16b16a16Sint

      16-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [-32767, 32767] range.

    • case r16g16b16a16Sfloat

      16-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r32Uint

      32-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^32 - 1] range.

    • case r32Sint

      32-bit-per-channel signed integer red channel data format. Values are in the [2^31 + 1, 2^31 - 1] range.

    • case r32Sfloat

      32-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r32g32Uint

      32-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^32 - 1] range.

    • case r32g32Sint

      32-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [2^31 + 1, 2^31 - 1] range.

    • case r32g32Sfloat

      32-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r32g32b32Uint

      32-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^32 - 1] range.

    • case r32g32b32Sint

      32-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [2^31 + 1, 2^31 - 1] range.

    • case r32g32b32Sfloat

      32-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r32g32b32a32Uint

      32-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^32 - 1] range.

    • case r32g32b32a32Sint

      32-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [2^31 + 1, 2^31 - 1] range.

    • case r32g32b32a32Sfloat

      32-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r64Uint

      64-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^64 - 1] range.

    • case r64Sint

      64-bit-per-channel signed integer red channel data format. Values are in the [2^63 + 1, 2^63 - 1] range.

    • case r64Sfloat

      64-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r64g64Uint

      64-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^64 - 1] range.

    • case r64g64Sint

      64-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green channel data format. Values are in the [2^63 + 1, 2^63 - 1] range.

    • case r64g64Sfloat

      64-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r64g64b64Uint

      64-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^64 - 1] range.

    • case r64g64b64Sint

      64-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue channel data format. Values are in the [2^63 + 1, 2^63 - 1] range.

    • case r64g64b64Sfloat

      64-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case r64g64b64a64Uint

      64-bit-per-channel unsigned integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [0, 2^64 - 1] range.

    • case r64g64b64a64Sint

      64-bit-per-channel signed integer red/green/blue/alpha channel data format. Values are in the [2^63 + 1, 2^63 - 1] range.

    • case r64g64b64a64Sfloat

      64-bit-per-channel signed floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case b10g11r11UfloatPack32

      Unsigned floating-point blue/green/red data format with the value stored as-is, packed in 32 bits. The format’s precision is 10 bits of blue channel, 11 bits of green channel and 11 bits of red channel.

    • case e5b9g9r9UfloatPack32

      Unsigned floating-point exposure/blue/green/red data format with the value stored as-is, packed in 32 bits. The format’s precision is 5 bits of exposure, 9 bits of blue channel, 9 bits of green channel and 9 bits of red channel.

    • case d16Unorm

      16-bit unsigned floating-point depth data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case x8D24UnormPack32

      24-bit unsigned floating-point depth data format with normalized value, plus 8 unused bits, packed in 32 bits. Values for depth are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case d32Sfloat

      32-bit signed floating-point depth data format with the value stored as-is.

    • case s8Uint

      8-bit unsigned integer stencil data format.

    • case d16UnormS8Uint

      16-bit unsigned floating-point depth data format with normalized value, plus 8 bits of stencil in unsigned integer format. Values for depth are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Values for stencil are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case d24UnormS8Uint

      24-bit unsigned floating-point depth data format with normalized value, plus 8 bits of stencil in unsigned integer format. Values for depth are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Values for stencil are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case d32SfloatS8Uint

      32-bit signed floating-point depth data format with the value stored as-is, plus 8 bits of stencil in unsigned integer format. Values for stencil are in the [0, 255] range.

    • case bc1RgbUnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel and 5 bits of blue channel. Using BC1 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT1).

    • case bc1RgbSrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel and 5 bits of blue channel. Using BC1 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT1).

    • case bc1RgbaUnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel, 5 bits of blue channel and 1 bit of alpha channel. Using BC1 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT1).

    • case bc1RgbaSrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel, 5 bits of blue channel and 1 bit of alpha channel. Using BC1 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT1).

    • case bc2UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel, 5 bits of blue channel and 4 bits of alpha channel. Using BC2 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT3).

    • case bc2SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel, 5 bits of blue channel and 4 bits of alpha channel. Using BC2 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT3).

    • case bc3UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel, 5 bits of blue channel and 8 bits of alpha channel. Using BC3 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT5).

    • case bc3SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 5 bits of red channel, 6 bits of green channel, 5 bits of blue channel and 8 bits of alpha channel. Using BC3 texture compression (also known as S3TC DXT5).

    • case bc4UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 8 bits of red channel. Using BC4 texture compression.

    • case bc4SnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed signed red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 8 bits of red channel. Using BC4 texture compression.

    • case bc5UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 8 bits of red channel and 8 bits of green channel. Using BC5 texture compression (also known as S3TC RGTC).

    • case bc5SnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed signed red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [-1.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is 8 bits of red channel and 8 bits of green channel. Using BC5 texture compression (also known as S3TC RGTC).

    • case bc6hUfloatBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue channel data format with the floating-point value stored as-is. The format’s precision is 8 bits of red channel and 8 bits of green channel. Using BC6H texture compression (also known as BPTC HDR).

    • case bc6hSfloatBlock

      VRAM-compressed signed red/green/blue channel data format with the floating-point value stored as-is. The format’s precision is between 4 and 7 bits for the red/green/blue channels and between 0 and 8 bits for the alpha channel. Using BC7 texture compression (also known as BPTC HDR).

    • case bc7UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is between 4 and 7 bits for the red/green/blue channels and between 0 and 8 bits for the alpha channel. Also known as BPTC LDR.

    • case bc7SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. The format’s precision is between 4 and 7 bits for the red/green/blue channels and between 0 and 8 bits for the alpha channel. Also known as BPTC LDR.

    • case etc2R8g8b8UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case etc2R8g8b8SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case etc2R8g8b8a1UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Red/green/blue use 8 bit of precision each, with alpha using 1 bit of precision. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case etc2R8g8b8a1SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Red/green/blue use 8 bit of precision each, with alpha using 1 bit of precision. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case etc2R8g8b8a8UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Red/green/blue use 8 bits of precision each, with alpha using 8 bits of precision. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case etc2R8g8b8a8SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green/blue/alpha channel data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Red/green/blue use 8 bits of precision each, with alpha using 8 bits of precision. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case eacR11UnormBlock

      11-bit VRAM-compressed unsigned red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case eacR11SnormBlock

      11-bit VRAM-compressed signed red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case eacR11g11UnormBlock

      11-bit VRAM-compressed unsigned red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case eacR11g11SnormBlock

      11-bit VRAM-compressed signed red/green channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ETC2 texture compression.

    • case astc4x4UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 4×4 blocks (highest quality). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc4x4SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 4×4 blocks (highest quality). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc5x4UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 5×4 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc5x4SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 5×4 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc5x5UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 5×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc5x5SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 5×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc6x5UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 6×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc6x5SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 6×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc6x6UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 6×6 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc6x6SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 6×6 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc8x5UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 8×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc8x5SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 8×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc8x6UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 8×6 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc8x6SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 8×6 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc8x8UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 8×8 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc8x8SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 8×8 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x5UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 10×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x5SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 10×5 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x6SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 10×6 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x8UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 10×8 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x8SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 10×8 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x10UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 10×10 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc10x10SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 10×10 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc12x10UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 12×10 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc12x10SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 12×10 blocks. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc12x12UnormBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value, packed in 12 blocks (lowest quality). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case astc12x12SrgbBlock

      VRAM-compressed unsigned floating-point data format with normalized value and non-linear sRGB encoding, packed in 12 blocks (lowest quality). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Using ASTC compression.

    • case g8b8g8r8422Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case b8g8r8g8422Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g8B8R83plane420Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g8B8r82plane420Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g8B8R83plane422Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g8B8r82plane422Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g8B8R83plane444Unorm

      8-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, stored across 3 separate planes. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r10x6UnormPack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits, packed in 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r10x6g10x6Unorm2pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 2×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r10x6g10x6b10x6a10x6Unorm4pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 4×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case g10x6b10x6g10x6r10x6422Unorm4pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/green/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 4×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel). The green channel is listed twice, but contains different values to allow it to be represented at full resolution.

    • case b10x6g10x6r10x6g10x6422Unorm4pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red/green channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 4×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel). The green channel is listed twice, but contains different values to allow it to be represented at full resolution.

    • case g10x6B10x6R10x63plane420Unorm3pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g10x6B10x6r10x62plane420Unorm3pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g10x6B10x6R10x63plane422Unorm3pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g10x6B10x6r10x62plane422Unorm3pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g10x6B10x6R10x63plane444Unorm3pack16

      10-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r12x4UnormPack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits, packed in 16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r12x4g12x4Unorm2pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 2×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case r12x4g12x4b12x4a12x4Unorm4pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point red/green/blue/alpha channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 4×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case g12x4b12x4g12x4r12x4422Unorm4pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/green/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 4×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel). The green channel is listed twice, but contains different values to allow it to be represented at full resolution.

    • case b12x4g12x4r12x4g12x4422Unorm4pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red/green channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel, packed in 4×16 bits. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel). The green channel is listed twice, but contains different values to allow it to be represented at full resolution.

    • case g12x4B12x4R12x43plane420Unorm3pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g12x4B12x4r12x42plane420Unorm3pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g12x4B12x4R12x43plane422Unorm3pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g12x4B12x4r12x42plane422Unorm3pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g12x4B12x4R12x43plane444Unorm3pack16

      12-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Packed in 3×16 bits and stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case g16b16g16r16422Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case b16g16r16g16422Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point blue/green/red channel data format with normalized value. Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g16B16R163plane420Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g16B16r162plane420Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Stored across 2 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal and vertical resolution (i.e. 2×2 adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g16B16R163plane422Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g16B16r162plane422Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue/red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range. Blue and red channel data is stored at halved horizontal resolution (i.e. 2 horizontally adjacent pixels will share the same value for the blue/red channel).

    • case g16B16R163plane444Unorm

      16-bit-per-channel unsigned floating-point green/blue/red channel data with normalized value, plus 6 unused bits after each channel. Stored across 3 separate planes (green + blue + red). Values are in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

    • case max

      Represents the size of the DataFormat enum.