Open Class Propertymigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
RDShaderSPIRV.swift:15override class var godotClassName: StringName { get }
Other members in extension
Instance members
var bytecodeCompute: PackedByteArray
The SPIR-V bytecode for the compute shader stage.
var bytecodeFragment: PackedByteArray
The SPIR-V bytecode for the fragment shader stage.
var bytecodeTesselationControl: PackedByteArray
The SPIR-V bytecode for the tessellation control shader stage.
var bytecodeTesselationEvaluation: PackedByteArray
The SPIR-V bytecode for the tessellation evaluation shader stage.
var bytecodeVertex: PackedByteArray
The SPIR-V bytecode for the vertex shader stage.
var compileErrorCompute: String
The compilation error message for the compute shader stage (set by the SPIR-V compiler and Godot). If empty, shader compilation was successful.
var compileErrorFragment: String
The compilation error message for the fragment shader stage (set by the SPIR-V compiler and Godot). If empty, shader compilation was successful.
var compileErrorTesselationControl: String
The compilation error message for the tessellation control shader stage (set by the SPIR-V compiler and Godot). If empty, shader compilation was successful.
var compileErrorTesselationEvaluation: String
The compilation error message for the tessellation evaluation shader stage (set by the SPIR-V compiler and Godot). If empty, shader compilation was successful.
var compileErrorVertex: String
The compilation error message for the vertex shader stage (set by the SPIR-V compiler and Godot). If empty, shader compilation was successful.