Enumerationmigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
OpenXRInterface.swift:63enum HandJoints
case palm
Palm joint.
case wrist
Wrist joint.
case thumbMetacarpal
Thumb metacarpal joint.
case thumbProximal
Thumb proximal joint.
case thumbDistal
Thumb distal joint.
case thumbTip
Thumb tip joint.
case indexMetacarpal
Index metacarpal joint.
case indexProximal
Index proximal joint.
case indexIntermediate
Index intermediate joint.
case indexDistal
Index distal joint.
case indexTip
Index tip joint.
case middleMetacarpal
Middle metacarpal joint.
case middleProximal
Middle proximal joint.
case middleIntermediate
Middle intermediate joint.
case middleDistal
Middle distal joint.
case middleTip
Middle tip joint.
case ringMetacarpal
Ring metacarpal joint.
case ringProximal
Ring proximal joint.
case ringIntermediate
Ring intermediate joint.
case ringDistal
Ring distal joint.
case ringTip
Ring tip joint.
case littleMetacarpal
Little metacarpal joint.
case littleProximal
Little proximal joint.
case littleIntermediate
Little intermediate joint.
case littleDistal
Little distal joint.
case littleTip
Little tip joint.
case max
Maximum value for the hand joint enum.
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var displayRefreshRate: Double
The display refresh rate for the current HMD. Only functional if this feature is supported by the OpenXR runtime and after the interface has been initialized.
var foveationDynamic: Bool
Enable dynamic foveation adjustment, the interface must be initialized before this is accessible. If enabled foveation will automatically adjusted between low and
.var foveationLevel: Int32
Set foveation level from 0 (off) to 3 (high), the interface must be initialized before this is accessible.
var poseRecentered: SimpleSignal
Informs the user queued a recenter of the player position.
var renderTargetSizeMultiplier: Double
The render size multiplier for the current HMD. Must be set before the interface has been initialized.
var sessionBegun: SimpleSignal
Informs our OpenXR session has been started.
var sessionFocussed: SimpleSignal
Informs our OpenXR session now has focus.
var sessionStopping: SimpleSignal
Informs our OpenXR session is stopping.
var sessionVisible: SimpleSignal
Informs our OpenXR session is now visible (output is being sent to the HMD).
func getActionSets(
) -> GArray Returns a list of action sets registered with Godot (loaded from the action map at runtime).
func getAvailableDisplayRefreshRates(
) -> GArray Returns display refresh rates supported by the current HMD. Only returned if this feature is supported by the OpenXR runtime and after the interface has been initialized.
func getHandJointAngularVelocity(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, joint: OpenXRInterface.HandJoints
) -> Vector3 If handtracking is enabled, returns the angular velocity of a joint (
) of a hand (hand
) as provided by OpenXR. This is relative toXROrigin3D
!func getHandJointFlags(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, joint: OpenXRInterface.HandJoints
) -> OpenXRInterface.HandJointFlags If handtracking is enabled, returns flags that inform us of the validity of the tracking data.
func getHandJointLinearVelocity(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, joint: OpenXRInterface.HandJoints
) -> Vector3 If handtracking is enabled, returns the linear velocity of a joint (
) of a hand (hand
) as provided by OpenXR. This is relative toXROrigin3D
without worldscale applied!func getHandJointPosition(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, joint: OpenXRInterface.HandJoints
) -> Vector3 If handtracking is enabled, returns the position of a joint (
) of a hand (hand
) as provided by OpenXR. This is relative toXROrigin3D
without worldscale applied!func getHandJointRadius(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, joint: OpenXRInterface.HandJoints
) -> Double If handtracking is enabled, returns the radius of a joint (
) of a hand (hand
) as provided by OpenXR. This is without worldscale applied!func getHandJointRotation(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, joint: OpenXRInterface.HandJoints
) -> Quaternion If handtracking is enabled, returns the rotation of a joint (
) of a hand (hand
) as provided by OpenXR.func getMotionRange(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand
) -> OpenXRInterface.HandMotionRange If handtracking is enabled and motion range is supported, gets the currently configured motion range for
.func isActionSetActive(name: String
) -> Bool Returns
if the given action set is active.func isEyeGazeInteractionSupported(
) -> Bool Returns the capabilities of the eye gaze interaction extension.
func isFoveationSupported(
) -> Bool Returns
if OpenXR’s foveation extension is supported, the interface must be initialized before this returns a valid value.func isHandTrackingSupported(
) -> Bool Returns
if OpenXR’s hand tracking is supported and enabled.func setActionSetActive(name: String, active: Bool
) Sets the given action set as active or inactive.
func setMotionRange(hand: OpenXRInterface.Hand, motionRange: OpenXRInterface.HandMotionRange
) If handtracking is enabled and motion range is supported, sets the currently configured motion range for
Citizens in SwiftGodot
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
Type members
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.