
    Middle mouse button.

    case middle

    Other cases

    • case none

      Enum value which doesn’t correspond to any mouse button. This is used to initialize MouseButton properties with a generic state.

    • case left

      Primary mouse button, usually assigned to the left button.

    • case right

      Secondary mouse button, usually assigned to the right button.

    • case wheelUp

      Mouse wheel scrolling up.

    • case wheelDown

      Mouse wheel scrolling down.

    • case wheelLeft

      Mouse wheel left button (only present on some mice).

    • case wheelRight

      Mouse wheel right button (only present on some mice).

    • case xbutton1

      Extra mouse button 1. This is sometimes present, usually to the sides of the mouse.

    • case xbutton2

      Extra mouse button 2. This is sometimes present, usually to the sides of the mouse.