
    enum AlphaCutMode


    • case disabled

      This mode performs standard alpha blending. It can display translucent areas, but transparency sorting issues may be visible when multiple transparent materials are overlapping. castShadow has no effect when this transparency mode is used; the Label3D will never cast shadows.

    • case discard

      This mode only allows fully transparent or fully opaque pixels. Harsh edges will be visible unless some form of screen-space antialiasing is enabled (see ProjectSettings/rendering/antiAliasing/quality/screenSpaceAa). This mode is also known as alpha testing or 1-bit transparency.

    • case opaquePrepass

      This mode draws fully opaque pixels in the depth prepass. This is slower than .alphaCutDisabled or .alphaCutDiscard, but it allows displaying translucent areas and smooth edges while using proper sorting.

    • case hash

      This mode draws cuts off all values below a spatially-deterministic threshold, the rest will remain opaque.

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