Enumerationmigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.46.0SwiftGodot
core-defs.swift:571enum Key
case none
Enum value which doesn’t correspond to any key. This is used to initialize
properties with a generic state.case special
Keycodes with this bit applied are non-printable.
case escape
Escape key.
case tab
Tab key.
case backtab
Shift + Tab key.
case backspace
Backspace key.
case enter
Return key (on the main keyboard).
case kpEnter
Enter key on the numeric keypad.
case insert
Insert key.
case delete
Delete key.
case pause
Pause key.
case print
Print Screen key.
case sysreq
System Request key.
case clear
Clear key.
case home
Home key.
case end
End key.
case left
Left arrow key.
case up
Up arrow key.
case right
Right arrow key.
case down
Down arrow key.
case pageup
Page Up key.
case pagedown
Page Down key.
case shift
Shift key.
case ctrl
Control key.
case meta
Meta key.
case alt
Alt key.
case capslock
Caps Lock key.
case numlock
Num Lock key.
case scrolllock
Scroll Lock key.
case f1
F1 key.
case f2
F2 key.
case f3
F3 key.
case f4
F4 key.
case f5
F5 key.
case f6
F6 key.
case f7
F7 key.
case f8
F8 key.
case f9
F9 key.
case f10
F10 key.
case f11
F11 key.
case f12
F12 key.
case f13
F13 key.
case f14
F14 key.
case f15
F15 key.
case f16
F16 key.
case f17
F17 key.
case f18
F18 key.
case f19
F19 key.
case f20
F20 key.
case f21
F21 key.
case f22
F22 key.
case f23
F23 key.
case f24
F24 key.
case f25
F25 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f26
F26 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f27
F27 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f28
F28 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f29
F29 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f30
F30 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f31
F31 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f32
F32 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f33
F33 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f34
F34 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case f35
F35 key. Only supported on macOS and Linux due to a Windows limitation.
case kpMultiply
Multiply (*) key on the numeric keypad.
case kpDivide
Divide (/) key on the numeric keypad.
case kpSubtract
Subtract (-) key on the numeric keypad.
case kpPeriod
Period (.) key on the numeric keypad.
case kpAdd
Add (+) key on the numeric keypad.
case kp0
Number 0 on the numeric keypad.
case kp1
Number 1 on the numeric keypad.
case kp2
Number 2 on the numeric keypad.
case kp3
Number 3 on the numeric keypad.
case kp4
Number 4 on the numeric keypad.
case kp5
Number 5 on the numeric keypad.
case kp6
Number 6 on the numeric keypad.
case kp7
Number 7 on the numeric keypad.
case kp8
Number 8 on the numeric keypad.
case kp9
Number 9 on the numeric keypad.
case hyper
Hyper key. (On Linux/X11 only).
case help
Help key.
case back
Media back key. Not to be confused with the Back button on an Android device.
case forward
Media forward key.
case stop
Media stop key.
case refresh
Media refresh key.
case volumedown
Volume down key.
case volumemute
Mute volume key.
case volumeup
Volume up key.
case mediaplay
Media play key.
case mediastop
Media stop key.
case mediaprevious
Previous song key.
case medianext
Next song key.
case mediarecord
Media record key.
case homepage
Home page key.
case favorites
Favorites key.
case search
Search key.
case standby
Standby key.
case openurl
Open URL / Launch Browser key.
case launchmail
Launch Mail key.
case launchmedia
Launch Media key.
case launch0
Launch Shortcut 0 key.
case launch1
Launch Shortcut 1 key.
case launch2
Launch Shortcut 2 key.
case launch3
Launch Shortcut 3 key.
case launch4
Launch Shortcut 4 key.
case launch5
Launch Shortcut 5 key.
case launch6
Launch Shortcut 6 key.
case launch7
Launch Shortcut 7 key.
case launch8
Launch Shortcut 8 key.
case launch9
Launch Shortcut 9 key.
case launcha
Launch Shortcut A key.
case launchb
Launch Shortcut B key.
case launchc
Launch Shortcut C key.
case launchd
Launch Shortcut D key.
case launche
Launch Shortcut E key.
case launchf
Launch Shortcut F key.
case globe
“Globe” key on Mac / iPad keyboard.
case keyboard
“On-screen keyboard” key on iPad keyboard.
case jisEisu
英数 key on Mac keyboard.
case jisKana
かな key on Mac keyboard.
case unknown
Unknown key.
case space
Space key.
case exclam
! key.
case quotedbl
“ key.
case numbersign
case dollar
$ key.
case percent
% key.
case ampersand
& key.
case apostrophe
’ key.
case parenleft
( key.
case parenright
) key.
case asterisk
case plus
case comma
, key.
case minus
case period
. key.
case slash
/ key.
case key0
Number 0 key.
case key1
Number 1 key.
case key2
Number 2 key.
case key3
Number 3 key.
case key4
Number 4 key.
case key5
Number 5 key.
case key6
Number 6 key.
case key7
Number 7 key.
case key8
Number 8 key.
case key9
Number 9 key.
case colon
: key.
case semicolon
; key.
case less
< key.
case equal
= key.
case greater
case question
? key.
case at
@ key.
case a
A key.
case b
B key.
case c
C key.
case d
D key.
case e
E key.
case f
F key.
case g
G key.
case h
H key.
case i
I key.
case j
J key.
case k
K key.
case l
L key.
case m
M key.
case n
N key.
case o
O key.
case p
P key.
case q
Q key.
case r
R key.
case s
S key.
case t
T key.
case u
U key.
case v
V key.
case w
W key.
case x
X key.
case y
Y key.
case z
Z key.
case bracketleft
[ key.
case backslash
\ key.
case bracketright
] key.
case asciicircum
^ key.
case underscore
_ key.
case quoteleft
` key.
case braceleft
{ key.
case bar
| key.
case braceright
} key.
case asciitilde
~ key.
case yen
¥ key.
case section
§ key.
Citizens in SwiftGodot
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
Type members
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.