
    enum CursorShape


    • case arrow

      Arrow cursor. Standard, default pointing cursor.

    • case ibeam

      I-beam cursor. Usually used to show where the text cursor will appear when the mouse is clicked.

    • case pointingHand

      Pointing hand cursor. Usually used to indicate the pointer is over a link or other interactable item.

    • case cross

      Cross cursor. Typically appears over regions in which a drawing operation can be performed or for selections.

    • case wait

      Wait cursor. Indicates that the application is busy performing an operation. This cursor shape denotes that the application isn’t usable during the operation (e.g. something is blocking its main thread).

    • case busy

      Busy cursor. Indicates that the application is busy performing an operation. This cursor shape denotes that the application is still usable during the operation.

    • case drag

      Drag cursor. Usually displayed when dragging something.

    • case canDrop

      Can drop cursor. Usually displayed when dragging something to indicate that it can be dropped at the current position.

    • case forbidden

      Forbidden cursor. Indicates that the current action is forbidden (for example, when dragging something) or that the control at a position is disabled.

    • case vsize

      Vertical resize mouse cursor. A double-headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically.

    • case hsize

      Horizontal resize mouse cursor. A double-headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally.

    • case bdiagsize

      Window resize mouse cursor. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically.

    • case fdiagsize

      Window resize mouse cursor. The cursor is a double-headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of .cursorBdiagsize. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically.

    • case move

      Move cursor. Indicates that something can be moved.

    • case vsplit

      Vertical split mouse cursor. On Windows, it’s the same as .cursorVsize.

    • case hsplit

      Horizontal split mouse cursor. On Windows, it’s the same as .cursorHsize.

    • case help

      Help cursor. Usually a question mark.

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