Enumerationmigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
HTTPClient.swift:72enum Status
case disconnected
Status: Disconnected from the server.
case resolving
Status: Currently resolving the hostname for the given URL into an IP.
case cantResolve
Status: DNS failure: Can’t resolve the hostname for the given URL.
case connecting
Status: Currently connecting to server.
case cantConnect
Status: Can’t connect to the server.
case connected
Status: Connection established.
case requesting
Status: Currently sending request.
case body
Status: HTTP body received.
case connectionError
Status: Error in HTTP connection.
case tlsHandshakeError
Status: Error in TLS handshake.
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var blockingModeEnabled: Bool
, execution will block until all data is read from the response.var connection: StreamPeer?
The connection to use for this client.
var readChunkSize: Int32
The size of the buffer used and maximum bytes to read per iteration. See
.func close(
) Closes the current connection, allowing reuse of this
.func connectToHost(String, port: Int32, tlsOptions: TLSOptions?
) -> GodotError Connects to a host. This needs to be done before any requests are sent.
func getResponseBodyLength(
) -> Int Returns the response’s body length.
func getResponseCode(
) -> Int32 Returns the response’s HTTP status code.
func getResponseHeaders(
) -> PackedStringArray Returns the response headers.
func getResponseHeadersAsDictionary(
) -> GDictionary Returns all response headers as a Dictionary of structure
{ "key": "value1; value2" }
where the case-sensitivity of the keys and values is kept like the server delivers it. A value is a simple String, this string can have more than one value where “; “ is used as separator.func getStatus(
) -> HTTPClient.Status Returns a
constant. Need to callpoll
in order to get status updates.func hasResponse(
) -> Bool If
, thisHTTPClient
has a response available.func isResponseChunked(
) -> Bool If
, thisHTTPClient
has a response that is chunked.func poll(
) -> GodotError This needs to be called in order to have any request processed. Check results with
.func queryStringFromDict(fields: GDictionary
) -> String Generates a GET/POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded style query string from a provided dictionary, e.g.:
func readResponseBodyChunk(
) -> PackedByteArray Reads one chunk from the response.
func request(method: HTTPClient.Method, url: String, headers: PackedStringArray, body: String
) -> GodotError Sends a request to the connected host.
func requestRaw(method: HTTPClient.Method, url: String, headers: PackedStringArray, body: PackedByteArray
) -> GodotError Sends a raw request to the connected host.
func setHttpProxy(host: String, port: Int32
) Sets the proxy server for HTTP requests.
func setHttpsProxy(host: String, port: Int32
) Sets the proxy server for HTTPS requests.
Citizens in SwiftGodot
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
Type members
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.