
    enum GIMode


    • case disabled

      Disabled global illumination mode. Use for dynamic objects that do not contribute to global illumination (such as characters). When using VoxelGI and SDFGI, the geometry will receive indirect lighting and reflections but the geometry will not be considered in GI baking. When using LightmapGI, the object will receive indirect lighting using lightmap probes instead of using the baked lightmap texture.

    • case `static`

      Baked global illumination mode. Use for static objects that contribute to global illumination (such as level geometry). This GI mode is effective when using VoxelGI, SDFGI and LightmapGI.

    • case dynamic

      Dynamic global illumination mode. Use for dynamic objects that contribute to global illumination. This GI mode is only effective when using VoxelGI, but it has a higher performance impact than .static. When using other GI methods, this will act the same as .disabled.

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