Enumerationmigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
Generic6DOFJoint3D.swift:16enum Param
case linearLowerLimit
The minimum difference between the pivot points’ axes.
case linearUpperLimit
The maximum difference between the pivot points’ axes.
case linearLimitSoftness
A factor applied to the movement across the axes. The lower, the slower the movement.
case linearRestitution
The amount of restitution on the axes’ movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost.
case linearDamping
The amount of damping that happens at the linear motion across the axes.
case linearMotorTargetVelocity
The velocity the linear motor will try to reach.
case linearMotorForceLimit
The maximum force the linear motor will apply while trying to reach the velocity target.
case linearSpringStiffness
case linearSpringDamping
case linearSpringEquilibriumPoint
case angularLowerLimit
The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the axes.
case angularUpperLimit
The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the axes.
case angularLimitSoftness
The speed of all rotations across the axes.
case angularDamping
The amount of rotational damping across the axes. The lower, the more damping occurs.
case angularRestitution
The amount of rotational restitution across the axes. The lower, the more restitution occurs.
case angularForceLimit
The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the axes.
case angularErp
When rotating across the axes, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower.
case angularMotorTargetVelocity
Target speed for the motor at the axes.
case angularMotorForceLimit
Maximum acceleration for the motor at the axes.
case angularSpringStiffness
case angularSpringDamping
case angularSpringEquilibriumPoint
case max
Represents the size of the
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func getFlagX(flag: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Flag
) -> Bool func getFlagY(flag: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Flag
) -> Bool func getFlagZ(flag: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Flag
) -> Bool func getParamX(param: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Param
) -> Double func getParamY(param: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Param
) -> Double func getParamZ(param: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Param
) -> Double func setFlagX(flag: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Flag, value: Bool
) func setFlagY(flag: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Flag, value: Bool
) func setFlagZ(flag: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Flag, value: Bool
) func setParamX(param: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Param, value: Double
) func setParamY(param: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Param, value: Double
) func setParamZ(param: Generic6DOFJoint3D.Param, value: Double
Citizens in SwiftGodot
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
Type members
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.