Enumeration Casemigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
The distance to the nearest point is subtracted from the distance to the second-nearest point.
FastNoiseLite.swift:101case distance2Sub
Other cases
case cellValue
The cellular distance function will return the same value for all points within a cell.
case distance
The cellular distance function will return a value determined by the distance to the nearest point.
case distance2
The cellular distance function returns the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Add
The distance to the nearest point is added to the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Mul
The distance to the nearest point is multiplied with the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Div
The distance to the nearest point is divided by the distance to the second-nearest point.