Enumerationmigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
FastNoiseLite.swift:91enum CellularReturnType
case cellValue
The cellular distance function will return the same value for all points within a cell.
case distance
The cellular distance function will return a value determined by the distance to the nearest point.
case distance2
The cellular distance function returns the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Add
The distance to the nearest point is added to the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Sub
The distance to the nearest point is subtracted from the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Mul
The distance to the nearest point is multiplied with the distance to the second-nearest point.
case distance2Div
The distance to the nearest point is divided by the distance to the second-nearest point.
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enum CellularDistanceFunction
enum DomainWarpFractalType
enum DomainWarpType
enum FractalType
enum NoiseType
Type members
Instance members
var cellularDistanceFunction: FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
Determines how the distance to the nearest/second-nearest point is computed. See
for options.var cellularJitter: Double
Maximum distance a point can move off of its grid position. Set to
for an even grid.var cellularReturnType: FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
Return type from cellular noise calculations. See
.var domainWarpAmplitude: Double
Sets the maximum warp distance from the origin.
var domainWarpEnabled: Bool
If enabled, another FastNoiseLite instance is used to warp the space, resulting in a distortion of the noise.
var domainWarpFractalGain: Double
Determines the strength of each subsequent layer of the noise which is used to warp the space.
var domainWarpFractalLacunarity: Double
Octave lacunarity of the fractal noise which warps the space. Increasing this value results in higher octaves producing noise with finer details and a rougher appearance.
var domainWarpFractalOctaves: Int32
The number of noise layers that are sampled to get the final value for the fractal noise which warps the space.
var domainWarpFractalType: FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpFractalType
The method for combining octaves into a fractal which is used to warp the space. See
.var domainWarpFrequency: Double
Frequency of the noise which warps the space. Low frequency results in smooth noise while high frequency results in rougher, more granular noise.
var domainWarpType: FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType
Sets the warp algorithm. See
.var fractalGain: Double
Determines the strength of each subsequent layer of noise in fractal noise.
var fractalLacunarity: Double
Frequency multiplier between subsequent octaves. Increasing this value results in higher octaves producing noise with finer details and a rougher appearance.
var fractalOctaves: Int32
The number of noise layers that are sampled to get the final value for fractal noise types.
var fractalPingPongStrength: Double
Sets the strength of the fractal ping pong type.
var fractalType: FastNoiseLite.FractalType
The method for combining octaves into a fractal. See
.var fractalWeightedStrength: Double
Higher weighting means higher octaves have less impact if lower octaves have a large impact.
var frequency: Double
The frequency for all noise types. Low frequency results in smooth noise while high frequency results in rougher, more granular noise.
var noiseType: FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
The noise algorithm used. See
.var offset: Vector3
Translate the noise input coordinates by the given
.var seed: Int32
The random number seed for all noise types.
Citizens in SwiftGodot
protocol CaseIterable
A type that provides a collection of all of its values.
protocol CustomDebugStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation suitable for debugging purposes.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
Type members
Instance members
var debugDescription: String
A textual representation of this instance, suitable for debugging
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.