
    Linear tonemapper operator. Reads the linear data and passes it on unmodified. This can cause bright lighting to look blown out, with noticeable clipping in the output colors.

    case linear

    Other cases

    • case reinhardt

      Reinhardt tonemapper operator. Performs a variation on rendered pixels’ colors by this formula: color = color / (1 + color). This avoids clipping bright highlights, but the resulting image can look a bit dull.

    • case filmic

      Filmic tonemapper operator. This avoids clipping bright highlights, with a resulting image that usually looks more vivid than .reinhardt.

    • case aces

      Use the Academy Color Encoding System tonemapper. ACES is slightly more expensive than other options, but it handles bright lighting in a more realistic fashion by desaturating it as it becomes brighter. ACES typically has a more contrasted output compared to .reinhardt and .filmic.