
    Use 50% scale for SDFGI on the Y (vertical) axis. SDFGI cells will be twice as short as they are wide. This allows providing increased GI detail and reduced light leaking with thin floors and ceilings. This is usually the best choice for scenes that don’t feature much verticality.

    case sdfgiYScale50Percent

    Other cases

    • case sdfgiYScale75Percent

      Use 75% scale for SDFGI on the Y (vertical) axis. This is a balance between the 50% and 100% SDFGI Y scales.

    • case sdfgiYScale100Percent

      Use 100% scale for SDFGI on the Y (vertical) axis. SDFGI cells will be as tall as they are wide. This is usually the best choice for highly vertical scenes. The downside is that light leaking may become more noticeable with thin floors and ceilings.