
    Packet loss variance.

    case packetLossVariance

    Other cases

    • case packetLoss

      Mean packet loss of reliable packets as a ratio with respect to the packetLossScale.

    • case packetLossEpoch

      The time at which packet loss statistics were last updated (in milliseconds since the connection started). The interval for packet loss statistics updates is 10 seconds, and at least one packet must have been sent since the last statistics update.

    • case roundTripTime

      Mean packet round trip time for reliable packets.

    • case roundTripTimeVariance

      Variance of the mean round trip time.

    • case lastRoundTripTime

      Last recorded round trip time for a reliable packet.

    • case lastRoundTripTimeVariance

      Variance of the last trip time recorded.

    • case packetThrottle

      The peer’s current throttle status.

    • case packetThrottleLimit

      The maximum number of unreliable packets that should not be dropped. This value is always greater than or equal to 1. The initial value is equal to packetThrottleScale.

    • case packetThrottleCounter

      Internal value used to increment the packet throttle counter. The value is hardcoded to 7 and cannot be changed. You probably want to look at .peerPacketThrottleAcceleration instead.

    • case packetThrottleEpoch

      The time at which throttle statistics were last updated (in milliseconds since the connection started). The interval for throttle statistics updates is .peerPacketThrottleInterval.

    • case packetThrottleAcceleration

      The throttle’s acceleration factor. Higher values will make ENet adapt to fluctuating network conditions faster, causing unrelaible packets to be sent more often. The default value is 2.

    • case packetThrottleDeceleration

      The throttle’s deceleration factor. Higher values will make ENet adapt to fluctuating network conditions faster, causing unrelaible packets to be sent less often. The default value is 2.

    • case packetThrottleInterval

      The interval over which the lowest mean round trip time should be measured for use by the throttle mechanism (in milliseconds). The default value is 5000.