
    Configures throttle parameter for a peer.

    final func throttleConfigure(interval: Int32, acceleration: Int32, deceleration: Int32)

    Unreliable packets are dropped by ENet in response to the varying conditions of the Internet connection to the peer. The throttle represents a probability that an unreliable packet should not be dropped and thus sent by ENet to the peer. By measuring fluctuations in round trip times of reliable packets over the specified interval, ENet will either increase the probability by the amount specified in the acceleration parameter, or decrease it by the amount specified in the deceleration parameter (both are ratios to packetThrottleScale).

    When the throttle has a value of packetThrottleScale, no unreliable packets are dropped by ENet, and so 100% of all unreliable packets will be sent.

    When the throttle has a value of 0, all unreliable packets are dropped by ENet, and so 0% of all unreliable packets will be sent.

    Intermediate values for the throttle represent intermediate probabilities between 0% and 100% of unreliable packets being sent. The bandwidth limits of the local and foreign hosts are taken into account to determine a sensible limit for the throttle probability above which it should not raise even in the best of conditions.

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