Enumeration Casemigueldeicaza.swiftgodot 0.45.0SwiftGodot
The toolbar that appears when 2D editor is active.
EditorPlugin.swift:37case canvasEditorMenu
Other cases
case toolbar
Main editor toolbar, next to play buttons.
case spatialEditorMenu
The toolbar that appears when 3D editor is active.
case spatialEditorSideLeft
Left sidebar of the 3D editor.
case spatialEditorSideRight
Right sidebar of the 3D editor.
case spatialEditorBottom
Bottom panel of the 3D editor.
case canvasEditorSideLeft
Left sidebar of the 2D editor.
case canvasEditorSideRight
Right sidebar of the 2D editor.
case canvasEditorBottom
Bottom panel of the 2D editor.
case inspectorBottom
Bottom section of the inspector.
case projectSettingTabLeft
Tab of Project Settings dialog, to the left of other tabs.
case projectSettingTabRight
Tab of Project Settings dialog, to the right of other tabs.